I guess I underestimated the car accident. Naproxen not working adn I am constantly uncomfortable. GOt a refferal to a massage therapist but they had to contact ICBC first and have not gotten back to me yet. Meanwhile, I can*t sit, stand or lay for to long and am having a hard time falling asleep.
The hook pull for women and transfolks is in less then a month. I am knee deep in organizing it and people are starting to sign up. I am excited that this is finally going to happen. So much so that I am dreaming about it.
My fu**ing cell phone died this morning and unfortunately that is where most of my phone numbers are stored. Not in my brain ( or on paper) Anyone got an old cell kicking around that they don*t use that might work with Fido please let me know L
A beautiful person left this world too soon. A community is mourning the loss. I feel lost and doN*t know what to do with myself. As per usual I am not doing the group thing cus it makes me uncomfortable. All other things are not working either.