Apparantly my low key holiday attitude has left me a bit exhausted this year. I usually am a early riser but the passed two days I have slept in by rising at about 9 am. When I wake up I feel rested but it really takes a while to get going. Not complaining though.
DO you realize it is cold in Vancouver?? Colder than usual?? Could you stop being a cheap skate and turn the freaking heat higher? Do I have to elave my house to have a cofortable temperature??
It seems that I have developped a habit of falling asleep on my couch at least once a week. When I wake up after a few hours I always wake up to some or the other TV preacher pacing on a stage all exited about The Lord or spreading some doom around.
It is really weird to be grinning about one subject and then a second later get totally pissed of about something else. And all this before my first cup of coffee.