It's Halloween and since I shouldn't anywhere near little people thanks to my current pertussis infection, I watched Lifeforce instead of handing out candy. It's such a ridiculous flick, but I still get a kick out of it every time.
Not the sort that sit on your desk, but the sort that have a pulse and operate printing presses. Anyone know of a decent one in the Northern Va area that does high quality poster sized prints? I have a few shots I'd like to have printed and framed.
I haven't posted in eons, but I still read every day and keep up with folks. Some of you have seen this in other places, but for those of you hanging out here, have a link to my pics of the shuttle Discovery being flown around DC today:
Since I've been playing in LR3, I thought I'd share a bit of what I've been doing. I've taken some of my personal favorites and done some tweaking. Some is dramatic, some is subtle, but side by side, you can see the difference a little post processing can make to even a damn good picture (and I do take some damn good pics on occasion).
Amazon has LR3 for $222 and change, so I went ahead and bought it. Just playing with it (thanks to Adobe's free 30 day trial (full featured, not a crippled demo)), it's absolutely amazing at noise reduction and clean up. It's also really nifty how it stores everything as a database of deltas and doesn't actually touch the original file in any way
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Moving a Dell monitor from its default base to a dock integrated monitor stand is a thirty second operation, if you're moving slowly. It involves pushing a button to unlock it, removing the monitor from the base, putting it on the dock stand and making sure the button popped (indicating it locked in place properly
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