So I'm going to start this weekend update with Friday, because Friday was insane. As you all probably know, my husband is not the neatest of people, and I easily get annoyed and discouraged about that. So then even though I like to be neat, I just am not as neat as I should be, so it becomes both our faults. Well, anyway, we're moving back to Ft.
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Mighty Taco, Bison Dip, Tops, Wilson Farms (French Vanilla Caps), Tim Horton's, Canada, Niagara River, Niawanda Park, Hyde Park, Zion Lutheran Church, Family, Friends, Tops, Wegmans. These are a few reaons why I love Buffalo
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Saturday was the last day that I worked at JC Penney in the shoe department. They tried to get me to stay. I could've been full time if they would've let me. But I really did hate it there, and it wasn't worth my time or effort. Now I work at a day care center. The day care center on the NSA compound to be exact. Right now I'm a floater, but people
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I'm probably going to be writing this entry throughout the day. I'll be on my laptop all day because of the amount of papers I have to write for my History of the Modern Middle East class. They're due tomorrow, but tomorrow is also going to be a ridiculously busy day. I have to work from 9-4 but I need to try to leave at 3 so I can get to an
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My last week of the spring semester was supposed to end on Friday, but because my Modern Middle East history professor was pretty unorganized, I wound up with three papers to do by Friday. It didn't seem like a lot at the time, but I have been working on a comparative essay for Syria and Saudi Arabia and I have not even finished Syria even though I
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Yesterday it was hard to wake up in the morning, because it's been such a busy week. But I did it, and then I went to work from 11-2. It was a really stupid shift, but I don't really care. I'll be done with Penney's soon enough. I wanted to do some things when I came home, but I was really tired so I just relaxed. Then I had to go to class on Meade
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My myth and culture final was really easy. My Emerging America final wasn't too bad either, nor was the lab final for biology. We have the final for the lecture class tonight, and I really need to study for that. There's also a couple of labs that we need to finish, and I really need to clean up around here, so it should be a busy day. I just have
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Friday I called in sick to work. Yuck! But things are soooo much better now, so I am very happy about that. Saturday I was off, and I was exhausted from all the ridiculous hours that I've been working lately so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. I did do a fair amount of homework. Jason and I play Sorry in the evening, and I won! I never win
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Not really, but I've decided to be optimistic. I found out a couple of days ago that I have hyperthyroidism (I think that's it, could be hypo though), but that I need to go back to Kimbrough in a couple of hours to test for it again to make sure. They wouldn't want to put radioactive iodine in my body for no reason, now would they? At this point I
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So its almost 10 am, and I have to be to work at noon. I realize that starting out, jobs are going to piss people off. Mine certainly has. So I am applying at a daycare on Ft. Meade, and since they need people, and obviously like military spouses, I have a good shot of getting it. I just have to get my fingerprints taken and finish up getting my
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