(This entry is backdated and will always be shown as my latest one.)
Also on Myspace! Click here!. Regularly updated. Add me to your friends list!This is where I post new fairywings, pictures of current projects and random bits and pieces, so come back regularly to be kept right up to date with whats going on at Judyboo Headquarters
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I'm having a wing-sale on eBay, go check 'em out: Click here then click to look at sellers other items. I don't like that i have a tonne of wings sitting in a box, instead of flying about attached to pretty people. So buy buy buy.
Over the past year i have recieved some lovely comments on the wings i have sold through eBay, and i thought i would share them with livejournal. Its always great to hear positive things when you've put your time and effort into making something and sent it off into the world. One thing i do wish would happen more is that people would send me
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