New Bonding - Dentist!AU, RPS, Jared/Jensen, NC-17

Sep 06, 2007 16:47

Title: New Bonding
Series: Dentist!AU
Author: thelonejuliet
Characters: Jared, Jensen, and various others
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Mike/Tom mentioned :)
Word Count: 4,269
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M/M sexin'; uh...there's also a mechanical bull involved, but I'm not sure that's warning.
Disclaimer: These people belong only to themselves.
Author's Note(s): Okay, a, this is the first story I'm posting with the new layout, so let me know how you like it?
B, this idea ia mostly due to sarahk_63 who asked me about the mechanical bull mentioned, half-in-passing in the first story. She asked what kind of bar had one and this image of Jensen popped into my head. And, I couldn't let it go! So, blame her. :)
C, according to this website I found, "bonding" in the dentist sense is defined as The covering of a tooth surface to correct stained or damaged teeth, by painting a layer of plastic on the tooth. I found it a little fitting since, y'know, Jensen's kind of broken. *shrugs* Did it work? lol

Previous Parts of the Dentist!AU found here or here.

All fics found here or here!

Summary: There's a Halloween costume at the bar. Jensen and Jared dress up as Cowboys & Indians. And, of course, how can there not be sex with Jensen dressed as a cowboy?

Banner by the wonderful mss_celestal.

New Bonding

“Cowboys and Indians? Can that really be considered a historical pairing?” Jensen muttered, annoyed, as he flopped down on his couch and waited for the others to finish getting ready.

He felt ridiculous. He was wearing skintight Wranglers - okay, not so bad, since Jared kept checking out his ass in them - with a white T-shirt and brown leather vest. Add the cowboy hat, spurs and - worst of all - chaps and, yeah, it was safe to say that he probably looked ridiculous, too.

Though, he could at least comfort himself that he’d won the whole assless chap argument.

“Jensen, for the last time, I picked the theme and I say this is okay,” Jared replied belatedly, as Jensen heard him thundering down the stairs. “If it makes you feel any better, we can say that we’re the Lone Ranger and Tonto.”

Jensen opened his mouth to reply, but then Jared strode into full view and his words got stuck in his throat. Jared was, obviously, the Indian of the outfit - and he looked damn good, in spite of the ridiculous idea. His fake-feathered headdress was hanging from one hand and there was different-colored war paint on his face.

And? He was pretty much naked, save for the underwear-loincloth-hybrid-thing.

Jensen swallowed, hard, and stared for half a second before he grabbed Jared’s wrist and pulled the younger man on top of him, awkwardly smashing their mouths together beneath his hat. Jared smiled against his lips and settled himself straddling Jensen’s lap, letting the headdress fall to the floor. His arms came up to wrap around Jensen’s neck and he deepened the kiss, forcing his tongue into Jensen’s mouth.

“That’s my boy!”

Chris’s sudden cry, mixed with Steve’s catcalling, barely filtered in through the Jared-induced haze of Jensen’s head. He slowly, reluctantly, pulled away and both men turned to see the smug expressions of the other two.

Who weren’t merely Christian Kane and Steve Carlson anymore - they were Starsky & Hutch.

Jensen burst out laughing at the sight of them, Jared quickly joined in. “You two,” he managed between giggles, “look ridiculous.”

Steve snorted. “Have you looked in a mirror, John Wayne?”

Jensen tried to look indignant - after all, Steve and Chris were the ones with fake moustaches. “This wasn’t my idea. It was Monkey Boy’s here.”

Steve and Chris both cocked their head to the side, studying Jared’s get-up. Then Chris said, in a voice choked with laughter. “He actually does look like a monkey!”

“At least someone who was raised by one,” Steve chimed in.

All four bust out laughing and that’s how Tommy found them, trying to draw in deep breaths, tears running down their faces. He appeared in the hallway and leaned against the wall, watching them with an amused expression.

“I don’t even want to know,” he muttered as the guffaws finally died away.

Jensen pushed Jared off his lap and turned to stare at Tom. From the way he was dressed, there could only one possible costume Mike was going to show up in.

“Dude,” he spluttered, “you’re Superman?”

Tom shifted his eyes from side to side, not looking at anyone, while he re-buttoned the top button on his dress shirt, effectively hiding the big yellow “S” - but the bright blue spandex was still making its presence known. His hair was slicked back 1950s style, ridiculously curled in the front like John Travolta in Grease.


Chris laughed and walked over to clap Tom on the back, “What was that, Cousin Tommy?”

Tom fixed the shorter man with a pointed glare. “Don’t call me that. And this is all Rosey. The fucker. This was his idea. He got me drunk and bet me that I wouldn’t do it and like the drunken idiot he managed to make me, I agreed. So, here I am.”

He paused for a moment, letting a wide grin spread across his face. “But, wait until you see who he has to dress up as.”

The guys didn’t have to wait long. Just as Tom closed his mouth, they heard the front door open and the distinct sound of high heels filtered in from the foyer.

Jared looked at Jensen, eyes wide. Steve and Chris, who were standing closest to the hallway, both did a double take. Jensen watched the entranceway expectantly, breaking out into another fit of laughter when Mike appeared.

In a suit.

A jacket/skirt suit.

With heels.

And a shoulder-length, curly, brown wig.

“Let me guess,” Jared choked out, drawing in huge gulps of air. “Lois Lane?”

Mike, never one to be ashamed - though Jensen was pretty sure he would have dressed up as a girl even if there was no bet involved - just shrugged and said, “Are we ready to party? These pantyhose aren’t very comfortable so I need a willing body to rip them off.”

Jensen looked down at Mike’s legs, noticing what he hadn’t before. Getting hold of himself again, he asked the obvious, “You shaved your legs?”

“Yeah…so what? It’s more comfortable.”

Jensen looked at the rest of his friends, eyebrows raised in slight disbelief. When none of the rest of them looked surprised, he just shrugged and forced himself off the couch. He reached out and pulled Jared up too, positioning the headdress on his head.

“You know,” he mused, “we’re kinda filling out the whole gay Village People stereotype.”

Jared just laughed and moved toward the door, pulling Jensen along with him. Jensen grinned at Mike and Tom on his way by, noticing the blush creeping up Tom’s neck at the way Mike had draped himself on his arm. He’d known for quite some time that Tom was as into Mike as Mike was into him - one of the benefits of being family. But, he’d never pursued it, for reasons unknown. Well…he’d never pursued it outright, but coupling up for a Halloween party? Yeah…that could be considered subtle. And if you looked over the handful of one-nighters that Tommy didn’t remember…

* * *

“Oh. My. GOD!”

Jared looked up from his fresh beer as Jensen came stumbling out of the backroom, where the pool tables were located. Jensen stopped just outside the doorway, staring around absentmindedly until he found Jared sitting at a table not far away.

Jared continued to watch, amused, as Jensen flung himself into the chair next to him. He wordlessly reached over and stole Jared’s beer, taking a long pull. He set it back down and stared at the bottle for a couple seconds before grabbing it again, emptying it in two swallows.

Jared chuckled. “Uh…Jen?” he mused, “something wrong?”

Jensen started, as if he hadn’t fully realized anyone else was around. He looked at Jared, blinking stupidly for a minute before he managed to mumble, in a horror-stricken voice, “I think I’m scarred for life.”

“Something happen?” Jared prompted, trying not to burst into hysterical laughter at the look on Jensen’s face. Jensen nodded and tried to take another drink from the beer bottle in his hand, forgetting that it was empty. “Should I get you another?”

“Huh? Oh…yeah…I might need a couple more…”

Jared nodded, motioning to one of his waitresses, Alona, who was dressed as Julia Roberts’ character in Pretty Woman. She detached herself from her Richard-Gere-dressed boyfriend and brought over two more bottles. Jared smiled and thanked her, pushing one of them in front of Jensen.

“Thanks,” Jensen mumbled, Texas drawl coming out in droves, downing half the beer easily. “I just walked in on…” He paused for a second and shuddered. “Tommy… Mike… Oh God.” Another pause, another pull from the bottle. “Tommy’s hand… was… ugh… up Rosey’s skirt…”

Jared couldn’t hold it in anymore, erupting in a fit of laughter. Jensen looked as outraged as the alcohol would allow him too.

“Dude. It’s not funny! Seriously. Scarred. For. Life!”

Jared sat back in his chair, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “That…is the funniest…thing I’ve ever heard,” he choked out between fading giggles.

Jensen hunched over the table, burying his face in his arms. Jared sobered up, though a smile was still plastered across his face, and reached over to pat Jensen on the back comfortingly. He heard a groan float out from the mess that hid Jensen’s head.

He stifled the laughter threatening to burst forth again, and pulled Jensen’s cowboy hat off, laying it on the table before tugging Jensen’s face out of his arms. “It’s really not so bad, you know.”

Jensen sighed, relaxing a bit though he still looked like he feared for his sanity. “I know, I know. Neither one of them will remember this in the morning, right? But, Jay? Please… please never let this happen to me again. My life depends on it.”

Jared schooled his features into one of utmost seriousness, and nodded. “Yes, sir. You got it, Cowboy.”

“Thanks, Tonto.”

Jared smiled again and leaned forward, capturing Jensen’s lips in a kiss. When he pulled away, he muttered, “You know what would make you feel better?”

Jensen’s eyes were starting to glaze over, whether from alcohol or Jared wasn’t clear. “Wazzat?”

Jared flicked his eyes over toward the corner and brought his tongue out to wet his lips, getting aroused at the mere thought of what he was about to suggest. He couldn’t deny that he’d been thinking about it all night, maybe even since they’d picked their costumes.

He leaned forward again and whispered huskily in Jensen’s ear, “You should try out the mechanical bull.”

Jensen’s eyes went wide and dark, lust shining in the green depths. Jared smirked, watching as Jensen nodded once, no questions asked, and moved over to the mechanism, pulling quarters out of his pocket and sliding them in. Chris and Steve, having just finished packing up their equipment for the night, sat down at the table with fresh beers.

Chris, smirking, glanced from Jensen to Jared and back again. Then, he cleared his throat and said, “You’re gonna pull him off that thing before he even gets going, aren’t you? I’ve seen girls on those things before and…” He trailed off in a low whistle.

Jared smiled and winked at the other man, not bothering to vocally confirm his suspicions. Because, yeah, mechanical bulls? Someone had to be really bad to not look sexy. And Jensen? Who’d ridden horses all through childhood? Hot. Damn.

Jensen looked over at Jared as he climbed up on the mechanical bull, adjusting the hat back on his head. A couple seconds later, the bull gave a little lurch and started right up, rocking back and forth, slowly at first. Jensen moved with it like a pro, angling his torso, thrusting his hips in and out, up and down. As the thing sped up, so did Jensen. He kept one hand on the rein, the other thrown out for balance, as he kept time with every pitch and dip of the machine.

Jared, still watching eagerly from the table, could feel his dick begin pressing against the pseudo-leather fabric of the loincloth he’d insisted on wearing, getting harder with every shift of Jensen’s body. He tried to shift unnoticed by anyone, adjusting his erection to be hidden a little better - because he knew that he was two seconds away from pushing away from the table and dragging Jensen to the cot they kept in a room behind the office - but Steve noticed and leaned over to whisper, “You might wanna go get your boy before your…uh…problem…gets more noticeable.”

Jared glanced over at Steve, who had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, and stood up, barely keeping his chair from clattering across the floor. He quickly strode over to the sex machine, as his sex-crazed brain had suddenly decided to call it, and hit a button on the side of the control to stop it.

Jensen looked over at him, lust-blackened eyes visible even in the smoky haze of the bar, and slid down. Jared could see the bulge in his Wranglers and nodded his head toward the back office, where their first encounter had been. Jensen wasted no time and Jared followed, uncaring that the entire establishment surely knew what was about to go down.

He reached the office just as Jensen was slipping through the door on the side wall. By the time Jared had gotten there and locked the door behind him, the older man had already managed to get his boots, the chaps, and his vest off. He was standing there, looking like sex straight out of an old Western, sweat glistening across what little skin was bared.

Jared let out an embarrassing groan - that he would completely deny if pressed - and pulled Jensen up against him, smashing their lips together with fierce determination. The movement sent Jensen’s cowboy hat fluttering to the floor - and Jared thanked all that was holy that he’d managed to discard the garish headdress long before.

Jensen whimpered into Jared’s mouth as his hands came up to clutch his bare waist, fingers digging in almost painfully, and his hips ground up. Jared’s knees almost buckled at the stimulation on his dick, which had very little guarding it from the outside world.

He moved his hands down to Jensen’s belt, deftly undoing it and pulling it out of the loops, throwing it across the room. Next came the jeans - he popped the button and barely had the zipper all the way down before his hand was reaching inside Jensen’s underwear -

Wait. Scratch that. Jensen wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Jared, surprised, pulled back to look down at Jensen’s face and noticed the blush spreading across the tan skin. Jensen averted his eyes, mumbling, “The jeans are really tight…”

Jared shook his head and gleefully replied, “I love it,” before claiming Jensen’s mouth again, tongue desperately seeking possession.

He wrapped his fingers around Jensen’s length, feeling it twitch in his grasp and harden further. As well as he could with the awkward angle, he gave a few tentative strokes, which had Jensen practically clawing the skin off his back.

Jensen pushed away, panting, moving back toward the cot that was just begging for someone to have sex on it. Jared followed, feeling predatory and knowing it must show on his face. Jensen sat down on the cot and stopped Jared from joining him by grabbing his hips and sliding the loincloth down to free Jared’s aching erection. He licked his lips and looked up at Jared from beneath hooded eyes, smirking.

Jared wrapped his fingers around Jensen’s neck and said, “Show me what that forked tongue can do, White Man.”

Jensen chuckled and leaned forward to lick a strip on the underside of Jared’s dick, bringing forth a choked gasp from the younger man’s throat. He repeated the action, licking like one would a lollipop until Jared’s entire cock was covered in a thin layer of spit and the person it belonged to was whining for more, his fingers gripping hard enough to bruise Jensen’s skin.

Taking pity, Jensen sucked the head into his mouth, dipping his tongue into the slit, and moaning, sending electric shocks through Jared’s entire body. Jared had to move his other hand to grip Jensen’s shoulder to steady himself as the one around Jensen’s neck moved up through short hairs, fingers almost massaging his scalp.

Jensen took in more of Jared’s cock, moving one hand along the shaft in counterpoint to the bobbing of his head. Too soon, Jared could feel the pressure building in his balls, at the base of his spine, and pulled Jensen off.

His dick slipped from Jensen’s mouth with a slick pop and the other man looked up at him in confusion. Jensen looked like pure sex, mouth wet and glistening, and Jared couldn’t stop himself from groaning, “God, I wanna fuck you.”

Something curious happened then - an odd cloud moved into Jensen’s haze, swirling in almost unnoticeable in the lust. Even through his need and want, he couldn’t help but be a little confused himself, wracking his brain for every sexual encounter they’d ever had. It was with shock that he realized he’d always bottomed…

Jared started to retract his statement, tell Jensen that it wasn’t important, but then Jensen stood up and pulled Jared’s face down to his for a kiss so fierce that Jared was sure he’d have ‘Property of Jensen Ackles’ imbedded into his skin for the rest of his life.

When Jensen pulled away, completely breathless, he whispered, “How do you want me?”

Jared, without thinking, answered, “I want you to ride me like you did that bull.”

If it was possible, Jensen’s eyes darkened further, and he nodded, stepping back and pulling his shirt over his head. The jeans followed and Jared was confronted with a very naked Jen, whose dick was an angry red and arching up towards his stomach. It was such a delicious sight that he forgot to rid himself of what little he still had on.

So, Jensen did it for him, slinking forward sensually and pulling the loincloth down to Jared’s feet. The younger man gladly stepped out of them, blushing a little with embarrassment.

Jensen sat down on the bed again, looking around a little nervously. He cleared his throat and brought his eyes back to Jared, who was still standing there gawking at the poor guy. “Do you, um…have…anything? S’been a while since I, uh…bottomed…and…”

Jared shook his head and blinked a couple times, trying to stop the naked-Jensen image from being burned permanently onto his retinas. “Yeah,” he muttered, more to himself than Jensen, as he rummaged amongst the shelves of files. “Somewhere…I know Chad stores stuff back here...”

Jensen wrinkled his nose in disgust and Jared laughed. “Don’t worry. He never gets this far. The girls - or guys, whatever - that he picks are usually the I-wanna-give-you-STDs-in-the-back-alley-in-the-garbage types.” Jensen just scrunched up his face still further.

Jared shrugged and let out a triumphant noise when he found Chad’s stash. There were no condoms left, which meant that maybe Chad wasn’t as dumb as he sounded sometimes, but it wasn’t like they really used them…It was a trust thing, since they were both clean. Plus, it felt better.

He did grab a bottle of lube, though, and moved back to Jensen, who was laying sprawled back on the cot and had begun lazily stroking his cock while Jared’s back was turned. Jared licked his lips at the sight, mouth suddenly going dry. There was no way he wouldn’t be seeing that image every time he closed his eyes for the next millennium.

When he managed to look away from Jensen’s hand at work and up at his face, Jensen smirked and winked at him - fucking winked - and Jared almost lost it right then. He reached down and squeezed the base of his cock, willing it to hold off just a little longer.

Jensen let out a quiet, seductive chuckle, sat up and stretched to grab the lube from Jared’s slackened grip. With a look of determination - and maybe a little fear - he slicked up three of his own fingers and reached down between his legs, inserting one finger in to the first knuckle.

When he let out a hiss of discomfort, Jared kneeled down besides him, eyes on Jensen’s face, ready to call the whole thing off regardless of his dick screaming wethotighttrightthefucknow at his brain. He laid his hand on top of Jensen’s, the one that was fisting the worn blanket. Jensen’s eyes focused back on his and he pushed his finger in further, seeming to relax at the contact between them.

Never losing eye contact with Jared, Jensen fingered himself open, getting himself ready. By the time he had three fingers easily sliding in and out, he was damn near writhing with the pleasure and Jared couldn’t take it anymore.

He pulled Jensen’s hand away from his hole and climbed up onto the cot, his dick ready to burst. He started to lay back so Jensen could crawl on top of him before an image popped into his head - one that would make the whole thing so much hotter. He sat up fully again and leaned over the edge, grabbing Jensen’s discarded cowboy hat from the floor. When he looked back at Jensen, the dark, hooded eyes were back in place and the older man licked his lips almost obscenely, inclining his head forward so Jared could place the hat.

That accomplished, Jared leaned back. Jensen straddled Jared’s thighs, holding himself up on his knees. Another moment of uncertainty and, again, fear passed across Jensen’s face just as he started to lower himself down, impaling himself on Jared’s dick.

As soon as he was balls deep, Jared pulled Jensen down, kissing him slowly, gently, licking his way into Jensen’s mouth. He didn’t know what Jensen had to be afraid of, but he was going to make damn sure that Jensen knew he wasn’t something to fear. That he wasn’t going anywhere, no matter how vulnerable Jensen felt.

Jensen shifted his hips and moaned into Jared’s mouth, a sound that was reverberated back to him from Jared. Jensen pushed himself up over Jared again, breaking apart their kiss, and pulled halfway off Jared’s dick before slowly pushing back down. Jared reached down gripped Jensen’s thighs so tight his knuckles began to whiten.

Jensen got a rhythm going, starting off slow, tortuously slow, like back on the bull. Jared couldn’t take his eyes off the motion of Jensen’s hips, the fluidity with which he was fucking himself on Jared’s cock. Every few thrusts, he would swivel his hips just so, in a move that sent Jared’s blood rushing past his ears, making his brain fuzzy, and made Jensen tremble with pleasure shocks.

The pace got quicker, Jensen’s hips worked faster, and soon, Jared was snapping his hips up to meet every down movement of Jensen’s. Somewhere along the way, filth started pouring out of Jared’s mouth, words and phrases that surprised even him. Jensen didn’t say a word, just smiled every time Jared came up with a new name for him, moaned when Jared’s hands found a sensitive spot to roam and continued riding Jared’s cock like he was trying to master a Bucking Bronco for the top prize at the Texas rodeo.

Jared’s hand, in the midst of the fog, found Jensen’s cock and wrapped nimble fingers around the hard length, which was steadily leaking onto his stomach. Jensen made out a sound that was half gasp, half whimper and looked like he couldn’t decide which direction to go in - forward into Jared’s fist or back onto Jared’s dick.

Jared tightened his grip on Jensen as he felt the tingling begin, wanting Jensen to come with him. He jacked the older man faster, twisting his wrist on the upstroke and swiping his thumb over the slit on the way down. Jensen matched Jared’s speed, moving his hips faster, taking Jared in deeper.

With a hoarse crying out of Jensen’s name, Jared came, spilling up into Jensen. Jensen tightened his muscles, milking out everything Jared had to offer. A few strokes later, Jensen came too, white heat splashing across Jared’s chest in milky strands, moaning in a way that would have sounded like pain if not for the blissed-out look in his eyes.

Both of them spent, Jensen leaned forward and collapsed onto Jared’s chest, Jared still buried balls-deep inside him. Jared tightened one arm around Jensen’s waist, using the other to remove the cowboy hat so he could run his fingers through Jensen’s short hair. Both men were breathing heavily, panting, hearts beating against each other in a rapid pace.

The minutes wore on and they traded lazy kisses, waiting for their pulses to slow, Jensen slowly pulling up, and off, with a slight wince and settling himself on Jared’s side.

As he stroked the side of Jensen’s face, swirling their tongues together, Jared’s thoughts returned to that night at Tom’s nearly a month ago, when Jensen had made a declaration of almost-love. At that time, it had scared him, unsure of his own limitations to love. But, lying there, with Jensen curled up against him, he knew he’d never been happier. And he wanted it to last forever.

Whatever had happened before, with Sandy, with the people at UT, it was over now. None of those people could get to him anymore, not with Jensen wrapped around him so tightly. He couldn’t breathe sometimes if Jensen wasn’t there. Sure, Jensen thought he could see himself falling. But, Jared…

Jared had already fallen.

He was pulled from his thoughts by light snoring coming from his chest. He looked down to find Jensen fast asleep, breath coming out in puffs over his skin. He smiled to himself; he always loved watching Jensen sleep. Jensen, awake, looked like he was 25 going on 56. But Jensen, asleep, looked so young, innocent, untouched. And, every time, Jared felt like opening up his heart, even more than he already was, and make a hole big enough for Jensen to crawl in - then Jensen would always be safe, would always know he was loved.

Placing one last kiss on the top of Jensen’s head, Jared closed his eyes, knowing he was going to quickly follow his lover into sleep. He knew that they would both curse themselves in the morning, since the cot wasn’t the best place for one grown man, let alone two, to spend the night. But, at that moment, he didn’t care.

It was too good to let go.

You know the drill, kiddies! Click on the 'comment' link and tell me what you think!! *bats eyelashes*

jensen, jared/jensen, steve carlson, dentist!verse, tom welling, fanfic, rps, christian kane, jared, mike rosenbaum

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