Title: Five Ways Remus Lupin Never Raised Harry Potter
juliette_kelleyRating: PG-13
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Summary: Five scenes. Five different ways Remus Lupin could have raised Harry Potter, but didn’t.
Disclaimer: All JKR’s.
Warnings: AU. Not fluffy, but not an angst-fest either.
Era: Post-Halloween 1981 through OotP
Length: approx. 5,300 words
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Comments 154
#3 was my favourite, I think. Intriguing setup - maybe there'll be more? ;)
Thanks for sharing. <3
I can't tell you how happy I am that you feel that way! That's exactly what I wanted to come across.
#3 was my favourite, I think. Intriguing setup - maybe there'll be more? ;)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! (And I think I like # 3 best, too.)
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! :)
I can die happy now. :)
Thanks so much for commenting!
And I'm glad you like my fic. Thanks again. *g*
And as I'm French, I can give you more accurate translations (I hope)...
“C'est votre parrain, Sirius Black.” => "C'est ton parrain, Sirius Black" (the sentence you wrote would imply that Harry and Remus don't know each other well, a kind of equivalent of calling someone by his family name)
"Bonjour. Nice pour vous rencontrer," => "Bonjour, heureux de faire votre connaissance,"
“Papa? Qu'a-t-il dit ?” => "Papa, qu'est-ce qu'il a dit?" (the sentence you wrote is correct but rather formal)
"Vous ressemblez tellement à James," => "Tu ressembles tellement à James"
I hope this helps!
Thanks again for the help-- it's very appreciated! :)
*hopes it's Dumbledore*
Oh, you wrote five AU's and they were mostly happy. Sad? Who says it's sad? They're a lot happier than JKR's version! Aw, this really cheered me up.x
Sad? Who says it's sad? They're a lot happier than JKR's version!
I think it's a bit sad precisely because it's an AU. Canon breaks my heart.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment. :)
I'm glad you found my Remuses lovable-- I think writing a post-1981 Remus is a very hard thing to do.
Thanks so much for the lovely comment! :)
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