Title: Five Ways Remus Lupin Never Raised Harry Potter
juliette_kelleyRating: PG-13
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Summary: Five scenes. Five different ways Remus Lupin could have raised Harry Potter, but didn’t.
Disclaimer: All JKR’s.
Warnings: AU. Not fluffy, but not an angst-fest either.
Era: Post-Halloween 1981 through OotP
Length: approx. 5,300 words
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Comments 154
That was a large part of my inspiration-- I love fics where either Remus, Sirius, or both end up raising Harry, and I hadn't seen one done quite like this before. I'm so glad it worked for you! :)
It's really poor that during the werewolf one, i was actually thinking that Harry might be better off. sigh.
I always find even the happiest AUs to be bittersweet for that very reason-- almost anything seems better than canon, and it hurts (says the girl who's still in denial about Sirius's 'trip' beyond the veil...)
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! I'm a big fan of yours, btw, so you've made my entire week by commenting. :)
I love pondering the "what ifs" though I often end up depressing myself with all the happy scenarios I come up with that won't ever be canon. I'm a huge fan of AUs, though, and I wish there were more! I'm incredibly depressed that it seems no one is submitting new fics for the Veil of Possibilites. I absolutely adore the entire concept and wish everyone would submit a little something. I'm especially looking forward to reading the conclusion! :)
Amazing writing, amazing stories, and I think you should either continue most of them or give the ideas away to willing writers. These need to be continued. I would love to see how the wizarding world would turn out with any of these things taking place in the books.
I may or may not continue these, but I would be honored if anyone was interested in writing a sequel/spinoff to one of the scenes. Just drop me a line and we'll chat. ;)
Thanks so much for your lovely comment!
*nods* Yes, I agree completely! I can't tell you how many times I've reread copperbadge's Stealing Harry universe...
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! :)
Lol. I'm currently on the edge of my seat eagerly anticipating each chapter in LC. I'm so used to being a late band wagon hoper for fandoms and all the crazy chapter fics being done that it's hard to sit and wait.
I think I liked number 2 best - French!Remus, hee! Ahem. They were all lovely, really. Thanks for sharing this!
That was actually the first one I wrote; it was my original idea that inspired me to write this fic, so I'm really glad you enjoyed that particular bit. I'm actually very curious about which parts people liked best, and why.
Thanks so much for commenting! :)
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