FroznLikaSoldier: so why are people telling me that i somehow gave you herpes? ****Beatfreaks99: someone informed me that you might have it....then i heard it was a differant steve....*** the end.
screw deleting it, this journal is old and has memories, im just seriously done updating this time. infact... i made a new journal. i just cant believe he cant quit smoking but quit me so easily. it was so fucking easy. only took two days. well, at least i dont give people cancer
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boysandcigs x: hahah did i tell you about my mother? FroznLikaSoldier: no what happened??? boysandcigs x: when i came home that night. she was all. omg that steven kid is gorgeous. maybe i should divorce daddy and marry him!
I get to the point where I almost pass out walking to school from the parking garage. I am thinking that i should eat more. I lack energy. But i been losing so much weight and i guess people will want me more if im skinny. I have all these skinny people around me telling me that they are FAT so what does that make ME? OBESE. so yeah, im almost
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