This semester would be completely awesome if I could take all my classes, but somehow still live in Rochester. I just want to finish college so I can move back home for grad school and get on with my life. Got into Intermediate Fiction. If I can get into Adv Fiction in the Fall, I'll be a Winter grad and will be home to stay by this time next
So...this is it. Moving into Bing tomorrow. And I can't find my favorite hat :< Why is it that things decide to disappear right before I leave? Anyway, gotta leave at 6:30 since it's a 3 hour drive. Luckily Nick will be with me
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Alors, mes courses de l'été sont commencent. La geographie n'est pas mal. Elle est facile est seulement une peu barbont. Je veux étudier beaucoup le français parce que je veux beaucoupbeaucoupbeaucoup étudier en France l'anée prochaine. Alor, je practique mais je ne sais pas si ma grammaire est correct. :<
Is actually really bad. And I thought that was a concept that could not fail. I mean, Night of the Lepus was actually pretty good. Especially for a 70's flick
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First day of school! Classes were good. I think I am going to enjoy them very much. Huge workloads coming up, but eh. Nothing I can't handle
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