how come? HOW COME? EVERYBODY I EVER LOVED IN THE BOOK DIED T__T sirius was long gone, fred died, lupin died, tonks died, SNAPE, MY DARLING SNAPE... -sniffles- not to mention that Harry DIDN'T die. XD the ending was too abrupt and too cliche. oh he married a redheaded girl just like his dad (i hate ginny btw, i would have prefered ANY other girl besides her (and cho lol) ofc any other BOY would have been more perfect P: oooh draco. /shudders.) had many kids and lived happilyeverafter. ): fuck that, i would have prefered him dying with voldemort, more dramatic and would have been something unexpected y'know? but noooo, rowling had to go the kiddie way.
I had to read this comment twice because the first time, all I saw was "sirius was long gone" and I was like "DDDDDDDX". CUZ I LOVE SIRIUS. WTF.
BUT ANYWAY! lol I agree with you for the most part. I was really pissed that all the awesome sauce people died. I don't really care about Ginney. Whatever. As long as Hermione and Ron got together. lol And Harry had to be the Boy Who Lived! Or it would've been laaaame. D: But when he killed Voldemort it was kind of anticlimactic. He was all "Expeliarmus!" And I'm all "HARRY GET A NEW FUCKING SPELL YOU SLACKER! D<" The only exciting part of that was Mrs. Weasley vs. Belatrix.
Comments 4
LOL. touchy subject? idk. XD
BUT ANYWAY! lol I agree with you for the most part. I was really pissed that all the awesome sauce people died. I don't really care about Ginney. Whatever. As long as Hermione and Ron got together. lol And Harry had to be the Boy Who Lived! Or it would've been laaaame. D: But when he killed Voldemort it was kind of anticlimactic. He was all "Expeliarmus!" And I'm all "HARRY GET A NEW FUCKING SPELL YOU SLACKER! D<" The only exciting part of that was Mrs. Weasley vs. Belatrix.
Snape. Snape. Severus Snape. *dies*
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