Hello, and welcome to my journal. I'm Jusmine, as it says on the tin.
My journal here is semi-friends locked: All fic will be public (though with warnings and ratings clearly stated) and all personal posts will be friends-locked.
Comment to be added - I'm always open to new friends, especially if we share a common interest. :)
So, I'm assuming that this post is mostly for me, since I don't know if anyone is still floating around on LJ. REGARDLESS, onward I trod
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Title: Freedom Summary: But at what cost, dear madam? Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort Characters/Pairings: K-Unit, Alex, Jack/Ben Rating: R Warning(s): Major character death, grief, violence, and strong language. Word Count:~3,700
Title: Freedom Summary: But at what cost, dear madam? Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort Characters/Pairings: K-Unit, Alex, Jack/Ben Rating: PG-15 Warning(s): Major character death, grief, violence, and strong language. Word Count: ~4,500