well... damn. i havn't talked on this thing for about a hot minute. everything in the world has happened since anyone has talked to me. i wont really go into it if no one reads this, but if there are still readers, tell me and i will consider posting some amazingly crazy stories.
ok. so here is the deal. i am HOPEFULLY coming to raleigh the 25th or 26th. and staying till the 30th, but i will be in durham for some of the time. i want people to see. but i am really low on money, so i need to plan it out. if you want to chill, just respond, or call me. if you want to give me gas money, i will give you sex.
hurrah for editing scripts. w00t. yeah, i am hoping to have a somewhat partay next weekend. but i really dont know. must go and test out for my digital communications class... i want criminal justice...
i am so fucking sick of these immature guys that are fighting on the new webcams. it pisses me off so much. they act like they have never seen a camera. *angst* ( pics )