1) One thing you can't stand about
simmeronlow? NOTHING!
2) Has
wonderoutloud been to your house/dorm? No.
3) What rank would
skippyelephant have in a giant robot army? TOP.
4) Do you have
rollasoulja's screenname? YA RLY.
5) Is
itllbetoolate a nerd? Yesno.
6) What is
skippyelephant allergic to? Paul Simon
7) Are
rollasoulja and
itllbetoolate going out? No. yynujhjmuh7y (HEAD)
8) Is
thereshegoes6 single? Yes.
9) How tall is
midnight_blind? not as tall as I am...
10) Are
peace_phrog and
notbeth89 going steady? YES. AS IN NO.
11) Which president would
letsdoajig be likely to idolize? Anyone liberal...
12) If
krashontisenkon had a superpower, what would it be? Not going to college.
13) Does
spaceageblues have a crush on
mizfit92190? No.
14) What is
rays_jazz's favorite movie? All of 'em...
15) Have you flirted with
midnight_blind? Yes.
16) Does
highwaystrip know
x_white_rose_x? Probably...
17) What mental disorder does
highwaystrip remind you of? Ceased mental development at age 9.
wonderoutloud's eye color? Brown? I think...
19) How would
notbeth89 kill
rays_jazz? With gats...
20) What is
spaceageblues's favorite food? The kind you eat.
21) How long would
dr_sparkle dating
notbeth89 last? Not.
22) How many monkeys could
krashontisenkon fight at once and win against? Depends on what scripts he runs...
23) How would
wonderoutloud conquer the world? Yes.
24) Would
______emokiddie and
midnight_blind look good together? No.
25) Is
highwaystrip a college student? Soon.
26) Thoughts on
itllbetoolate? dabestkthxplz.
27) What is
x_white_rose_x's shoe size? Old.
28) What languages does
rays_jazz speak? Spanish + English + Mermaid
29) When did you last call
krashontisenkon? summer...
30) Has
______emokiddie dyed their hair? Iunno...
31) Is
simmeronlow in a relationship? I dun think so.
32) Would
rollasoulja be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate.
33) What would
thereshegoes6 give
miss_moo for his/her birthday? A deathglare.
34) If
thereshegoes6 took over the world, who would be happy? Tom Hanks?
35) How long have you known
dr_sparkle? A while...
36) Is
simmeronlow a high school student? Yes.
37) What comic book character would
mizfit92190 be? Blackman
38) If
rollasoulja were hanging off a cliff, what would
dr_sparkle do? Ask who he is.
39) Do
dr_sparkle and
rollasoulja go to the same school? No.
40) Do you have a crush on