Hey all, I'm still here, and read my f-list and whatnot, but after such a break in being on here religiously I'm finding it hard to find my fandom voice a bit....
But love of House/Wilson and no one to share it with has made me renew my realisation that there are some things that you can only share with your LJers :)
Got back from Expo yesterday morn (stayed at a friend's house in Farnborough)....has an amazing time, I was just so overwhelmed by how huge it all was - and how fantastic some of the costumes were!!!
There was an amazing Rorschach, and a very cool Ryuk :) and even a Manny from Grim Fandango!!
With my passport arriving at some point in the next six weeks, I have the urge to travel....but I'm feeling the love for America maybe, perhaps New York or California...
Then part of my thinks for my first time I should go somewhere closer to home.....
I'm so totally addicted to this game, there's so much to do that I've barely scratched the surface of the story, I keep stealing ambuances and police cars and doing side-quests, teehee.
I think I'm feeling the fic itch....and I was just wondering if I could have a quick 'HOLLER YO', at who on my flist also writes fic (privately or publicly)?
Just a quick'n'random, but I see 'dial up friendly' hanging about on my f-list, but does anyone still actually use Dial Up stuff, or am I living in naivety?