Jul 15, 2006 02:06
Hm I just realized that I never...ever...ever post in this thing. I really only keep it to post comments on Dylan and Ally's LJ's...that's the fun of it all! Afterall, they do so for my Xanga so yeah. Thanks bitches!
Dec 23, 2005 02:15
So yeah I have a MySpace now too! So here is my Xanga and MySpace because I think LJ is way too complicated!
All the good stuff about life is there lmfao!
Jul 15, 2005 07:16
Well even though I dun update this journal I thought I would change the colours, for the other ones were too much! I also got a new icon for my lj meaning I can finally be recognized by something other than my account name lmfao! HOLLA to Ally's lj, Dylan's gj, and my xanga lmfao! yes I'm completely insane and all of that fun stuff lmfao!