Mar 26, 2006 19:43
I sure havent been paying any attention to this have I? I'll probably be writing in this a lot more. Myspace's blog thing sucks anyway.
so, today has been really boring and I haven't done much; nothing really important i should say. Someone should buy me a phone charger since I can't charge my phone and talk to Lizzy McGuire.
Dec 31, 2005 02:51
I went to Disneyland today. I got a stomach ache in the end =(.
Dec 30, 2005 02:02
I haven't updated in a while since I forget about this thing. I just got reminded of it because I'm going to Disneland tomorrow and I think thats the last thing I wrote about. Fun.
How was your day? Mine was excellent thanks for asking. New computer in a few days =)
ps. WoW consumes me.
Sep 26, 2005 03:40
actually, i havent really updated this in a long time. myspace takes all my time, wretched site! I'll probably post more stuff later.
Jan 17, 2005 12:38
"tainted love"
a few good songs. fun.
Dec 30, 2004 01:24
just got back from the reel big fish show. Liz really enjoyed it, this makes me happy.
Dec 28, 2004 03:09
oh yeah, moving in 2 days.
Dec 28, 2004 02:16
Don't ever see the movie Darkness. ever.
ps. its raining and theres thunder and lighting(!) outside. eff yes.