[Page 40 - Yoochun] My English teacher would kill me for this. xD
Dear Diary, I’m confused!!!!!!!
Leeteuk came over after it’s already been a few days since Kangin kicked us out and we totally found out they are lovesick gay over each other which is totally totally TOTALLY strange to imagine KANGIN doing the same things to Leeteuk that I do to Junsu but that’s another story because Leeteuk came over after it’s already been a few days since Kangin kicked us out and first he sat down and had a chat with us and Yoona and the five kids and Jaejoong made us awesome cookies filled with awesomeness and Changmin almost ate all of them but then I had to fight him fight him FIGHT HIM for the last bit of awesome but I finally got it and gave it to Junsu who said he wasn’t hungry but he ate it anyway because I am the man and I am his man but anyway I’m confused because Leeteuk came over and started talking to us and I wasn’t completely paying attention because I was blowing kisses to Junsu when the kids weren’t looking and throwing cookie crumbs at Changmin while Yunho was helping Jaejoong clean up the kitchen we were all sitting in and chatting and stuff and wait I forgot where I was let me back up oh yeah Leeteuk came over and it’s already been a few days since Kangin kicked us out and he said, he said something about how Jaejoong totally freaked out which I vaguely remember is my fault but I totally made up for it by letting him and Yoona make me and Junsu and full course meal for a date while the kids were visiting their grandpa Soo Man instead of going out and spending money on a restaurant because Yunho is all nervous and stuff lately because we’re practically broke because our apartment died just like our TV and Kangin’s TV that he wrote in Yunho’s diary he used to watch porn on with Leeteuk which is so weird because it was probably gay porn and he’s manly KANGIN but anyway Leeteuk came over after it’s already been a few days since MANLY Kangin kicked us out and he started talking with us in the kitchen over cookies and awesomeness and he said something about how he and Heechul and Hankyung (when he gets back from China) and Yesung and Kangin (maybe) and Shindong and Sungmin and Eunhyuk and Donghae and Ryeowook and Kibum and Kyuhyun and and and oh crap I forgot Siwon how the crap did I forget Siwon crap crap crap I hope he doesn’t rape my diary like Kangin did and read this wait did Kangin read our entries cause if he did he knows a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of stuff about us and that’s scary but anyway Leeteuk came over after it’s already been a few days since Kangin kicked us out and he told us that all our friends are going to try to help us pay for repairs for our apartment which Yunho said was totally my fault and I was confused because I thought it was Jaejoong’s fault but then Junsu said it was my fault too and so now I agree it was totally my fault and I should pay but anyway Leeteuk came over after it’s already been a few days since wait wait wait have I said that before I don’t know because I’m so confused right now and Yunho and Leeteuk want us to go do stuff right and meet some people and I’m still confused and I’m in a big big big hurry right now but I still have some time because Jaejoong refuses to leave until the kitchen is totally clean and Yoona is trying to tell the kids that they can’t do whatever it is we’re supposed to be doing right now which I just don’t get because we can’t be doing anything illegal or anything right oh moms are so overprotective I’ll vouch for them to help us with whatever we’re doing but Leeteuk was all like blah blah blah money and Yunho got depressed and Jaejoong rubbed his back for a little too long gave him another cookie before Changmin got all greedy and stuff and I had to fight him like I said before but anyway Leeteuk was saying stuff about money and splitting and groups and competition and music and meeting people and cars and festivals and money and kimchi and the mayor and it’s all still a giant blur to me because the whole time he was talking I was blowing kisses at Junsu and throwing cookie crumbs at Changmin but mostly I was blowing kisses at Junsu because he’s really cute when he blushes and dang I don’t think I’ve used one bit of punctuation in this entire sentence go Yoochun go Yoochun it’s my birthday I’m awesome woooo no commas a couple of apostrophes but I can live with that oh crap Jaejoong is almost finished cleaning the kitchen so I’m about to have to go and Jonghyun just started fake crying so Yoona finally gave in and let the kids join us and whatever it is we’re doing which I think is so cool because those kids are cool and will totally help us in whatever it is we’re about to do Yunho needs to quit looking at me like that because no I will not put the diary down and get in the car because Junsu is in the bathroom and I will not leave the house without him no matter how much those tyrants think they can keep us apart because we are one entity and no one can break that and a little PDA will help those kids grow up and gain some experience when they find the men of their dreams which should be soon because they are totally awesome and totally better than Eunhyuk and Donghae who can’t keep their pants on around each other and waaaay better than Kangin who had to get all mad and stuff just because Yunho broke his incredibly expensive TV he’s rich anyway so he can get a new TV on his own without kicking us out I thought Yunho was rich too but apparently his amazing wealth can’t cover the cost of our destroyed apartment which is my fault and I am sorry sorry Junsu for not being able to make you scream in pleasure in the comfort of our own beds because this whole mess is myyyyy fault and I know it for a fact because you said it and therefore it is a fact amen and speaking of amen I still can’t believe I almost forgot Siwon back there but there’s so many of them and in that aspect it’s really bad cause you might offend somebody or leave them in the bathroom when we’re all out in a big group hanging out but it’s also really good because we always have a friend to turn to no matter what and I love those guys and Junsu and Changmin and Yunho and Jaejoong and Junsu with all my heart and it’s making me want to cry and now Yunho is looking at me strangely because my eyes are getting all watery but no worries because if he lets me sit with Junsu when we get in the car I’ll be better in no time man man man I wonder what it is we’re supposed to be doing I want to ask Changmin but he’ll just ignore me for the fun of knowing how ignorant I am I’m not that mean to him right and I can’t ask Jaejoong because he’s all excited now and won’t listen to a word I say and I can’t ask Yunho because he’ll give me that LOOK and I’ll feel stupid so I think I’ll wait for Junsu to come out of the bathroom and I just hope he was paying attention while I was secretly blowing him kisses and being really distracting and dang Jaejoong is finished cleaning and Junsu is out of the bathroom so we have to go now to where ever it is we’re going with Leeteuk and some other people but I think I just broke a world no universe record for longest sentence written in Korean ever created in the history of this entire language so booyah Changmin I do so pwn you and I am the Ninja Master so change my name back in your cell phone contacts list and I am so totally going to change your name back in mine so don’t flash your new muscles at me and act like you’re scary or something cause you’re not. So there.
Turn the page~
Page 39 - Junsu ||
Page 41 - Jaejoong