Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?), HyukSu, Yunjae, Jaemin, KiMin, HanSiChul
Length: [5/?]
Genre: crack, romance
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warning: Some language, some mentions of smex, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents ||
2 - Corndogs and O's ||
3 - Money and Bambi ||
4 - Smexicles and Friend Gods ||
It's called
dbkrackweens , yo! 8D
Chapter 5: Pokemon and Bananas
Saturday, November 7, 1:00PM
*** Chunderful has signed in
*** SUnny has signed in
Chunderful: That was rare. I signed in first
SUnny: Yeah, yeah, whatever. GUESS WHAT HAD HAPPENED
Chunderful: Omg
SUnny: *squee*
Chunderful: You're.....GAY???????
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: *squee*
SUnny: Tch. Duh. But that's not what had HAPPENED
SUnny: You know how no one's seen Jiyong for the past few days?
SUnny: Since the HEE-CIDENT???
Chunderful: Define, please
SUnny: Heechul's Girly Head Incident: Hee-cident
Chunderful: Understood. Continue
SUnny: Well you can guess why no one's seen him for a while ;D
Chunderful: He's got the flu? I knew it. What a perfect way to miss school!
SUnny: NO.
SUnny: His girlfriend. ;D CL. ;D
Chunderful: She killed him? For kissing another guy? Well that's just rude
SUnny: >:|
Chunderful: She could've at least given him the silent treatment. What's up with all this DEATH and stuff. Ahhh, this society~ tch tch...
SUnny: NO!
SUnny: But close..... >;D
Chunderful: Wait. He's really dead??????
SUnny: Nope. But CL has the power to do something like that ;DD
Chunderful: She's a Pokemon????????????????????
SUnny: NOOOOO! *smacks you*
SUnny: Wait....what? o.O
Chunderful: Pokemon are DEADLY.
Chunderful: They just look fuzzy and cute
Chunderful: That's why I don't trust Doraemon....
Chunderful: I've never trusted Doraemon..........
SUnny: O.O"
SUnny: You've never told me that...
Chunderful: ...I've been too scarred to tell anyone....but I trust you. It seemed like now would be a good time to tell you.
SUnny: Oh.
SUnny: Well CL's not a Pokemon....if that helps.
SUnny: Wait....Doraemon isn't a Pokemon either...o.O" He's a cat....in a different anime.....
Chunderful: I don't wanna talk about it anymore......
SUnny: Alright....
SUnny: Well, you got that CL is NOT a Pokemon...right?
Chunderful: Thank goodness...
SUnny: Well...I don't wanna scare you anymore or anything....I'm not sure if I should....
Chunderful: No, no. It's okay. Just continue your story. It'll kill you on the inside if you don't tell someone. I know you.
SUnny: ...Okay.
SUnny: CL's family...is in the yakuza... Are you okay, Chun?
Chunderful: YAKUZA??? Are you being forrealz???? How awesome is that??? How come I've never spoken to this girl???? Yeah! >8D
SUnny: O.O You're not like scarred or anything?
Chunderful: Psh. Yakuza and Pokemon are two different things, Su~ ;D
SUnny: Yeah...so are Pokemon and Doraemon....
Chunderful: ...What...?
SUnny: NOTHING. Nothing....
SUnny: So, yakuza, can you believe it???
Chunderful: Whoaz!
Chunderful: And I'm being serious this time!
Chunderful: How come nobody knew?
SUnny: I have no idea, but you know I know better than anyone knows that once one bit of gossip gets dug up, the rest of it comes flying out as well ;D Thus, CL's love life revealed equals her family of delinquents is also revealed~
Chunderful: Yes we all know you know I know. Whatever, whatever. So what happened to Jiyong, though?
SUnny: He was just released from the hospital this afternoon~
Chunderful: ........................
SUnny: ;D
Chunderful: My......lord....she's dangerous!
SUnny: Oh, not her specifically. Her brothers. And some chick named Minzy. They heard about her "cheating boyfriend" and beat him up.
Chunderful: WHOA.
SUnny: I knowz. ^.~ I even heard that she was willing to forgive him eventually and never even wanted him to get, like, all fucked up and stuff but word got around and her giant yakuza brothers, plus Chick Named Minzy and they just couldn't contain themselves.
Chunderful: WHOAAAAA.
SUnny: Wow. You're pleasantly responsive today, Chunface~ :D
Chunderful: Well, it's not every day you have something worth a crap to tell me <3
Chunderful: Hey....you used Jae's nickname for me..
SUnny: Yeah, just spoke to him on the phone. We've totally bonded as blood brothers now~<3
SUnny: And ALL my stories are worth a crap to tell you!!! D8<
Chunderful: *runs away*
Chunderful: *returns* HeywhatdoyameanBLOODBROTHERS???????
Chunderful: You guys are THAT close now??
SUnny: Hehe. ;D I wouldn't say bestestest friends like you and me, cuz you and me have been together since...like....birth. But YEP! We're AWESOME. Like best friends now
Chunderful: *sniff* What if you both just forget about me....? T.T
SUnny: Well, if we do, then just show us your cute little face a couple of times and we'll try to remember you~
Chunderful: HEY!
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Just for that, I'm getting my own best friend!
SUnny: Psh. You can try but you can't beat the combined awesomeness that is me and JAEJOONGIE <3333333
***YumYunYum has signed in
YumYunYum: So let me get this straight. You called to tell me you want me to help you memorize the periodic table for your Korean history homework via the internet??
Chunderful: Yeah, yeah, whatever. LOOK SU! I gots my OWN best friend now. >D
SUnny: o.O YUNHO?!!?
YumYunYum: Junsu...what's going on?
Chunderful: Hey, Ho! Let's go shopping later today, kay? <3
YumYunYum: ...Okay, then. Maybe. I mean, my dad asked me to help him with his car, so I might have to take a raincheck.
YumYunYum: .....Junsu......?
SUnny: Just ignore him. D< He's stupid and jealous~
Chunderful: I am NOT jealous!
Chunderful: I'm annoyed
Chunderful: With you and MY best friend getting all close and stuff
Chunderful: You've already got Hyukjae, now you want more humans??
Chunderful: Stop being so greedy
Chunderful: Greedy.
Chunderful: Hey....you've still got that screen name
YumYunYum: Me?
YumYunYum: Oh yeah! It's actually pretty cool. Not me, but cool. And it'll help me get Jaejoong, right?
Chunderful: Right.
SUnny: You are soooo jealous.
YumYunYum: Um, just one question. How?
Chunderful: Well, you gotta get in the mindset of Jaejoong's realm of thought, ya know, Yunho?
Chunderful: And I am NOT jealous! You're jealous!
YumYunYum: Okay, okay.
YumYunYum: So....when will you guys get us to meet up?
SUnny: J.A.E.L.O.U.S.
SUnny: We will....once Chunnie stops being so JELLY-JAELY-JEALOUS
Chunderful: =.=
SUnny: =_=
YunYumYun: ...
Chunderful: D<
SUnny: ]<
Chunderful: *glares*
SUnny: *sneers*
Chunderful: *deepthroats*
SUnny: *steps on your toes*
SUnny: ...wait...
SUnny: O____O
Chunderful: Yum~
SUnny: aoijfoaefk;ks;fh;afjkd;ajfa;kdf
SUnny: T.T
SUnny: Shut up! I bet you can't even do that!
YumYunYum: ...
Chunderful: Wanna try me? >D
SUnny: Yes! >:|
Chunderful: Heh heh....
Chunderful: Wait....WHAT
Chunderful: Junsu...
YumYunYum: Um...should I be witnessing this conversation? Seems private...
SUnny: Come to my house now and we'll just see. Nyah! xP
Chunderful: ...Su...you really want me to....but....
Chunderful: I've never....I mean we've never.....
Chunderful: I'm not saying no but it's just that...
Chunderful: Our relationship is...
Chunderful: Are you sure....?
SUnny: YES! And don't try to back out now. Hmph! I'll have the bananas ready
Chunderful: Okay...um...I'll be over as soon as I get mom to let me borrow her car
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: What was that last part?
SUnny: I hope you have a stomach for potassium. >:P Cuz you're gonna be choking on a lot of it. Ha!
SUnny: Accept the challenge, Chun! Accept it!
Chunderful: Hold the fuck up, Junsu. Just what kind of challenge am I agreeing to??
SUnny: Don't wimp out now! >D We're gonna see how far you can stick a banana down your throat without you puking. I bet you can't, I bet you can't~
SUnny: I know you can't cuz you don't have the skillz and I do it to Hyukjae all the time
SUnny: It requires practice. Something you've NEVER had.
SUnny: Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirgin. >:P
SUnny: So take the challenge and prepare to puke your guts out! >:D
YumYunYum: Now that doesn't sound like a very healthy game
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Shit...you're being serious, aren't you?
SUnny: Honey sweety baby-cakes, I am more serious than Yunho's need of a manicure!
YumYunYum: ...?
Chunderful: Damn it, Su...
SUnny: What? o.o
Chunderful: ...*sigh* Whatever....I'm coming over, asshole
Chunderful: ...And did you just type that sentence before your last like Jaejoong usually does????
YumYunYum: ?
SUnny: Sure did, babe! It kinda rubs off on ya, don't cha think? <333333
SUnny: But really, Yunnie, you need a manicure
SUnny: Just heard from Jae on the phone today that he HATES guys who have gross hands. And gross feet.
YumYunYum: But my hands aren't gross. They're normal. So are my feet....
SUnny: Yeah, normal for a GUY. But Jae's standards are above normal. DO YOU WANT TEH JAE??????
YumYunYum: Yes, please.
SUnny: Then you come to my house, too! >:D We'll have a YUNHO MAKEOVER!!
YumYunYum: That is absolutely NOT necessary
SUnny: Chun? You got your mom's car yet?
SUnny: Chunnnnnnn?
Chunderful: Shut up
SUnny: o.o?
Chunderful: Yeah. Just asked. I'm coming. Just don't pee in your pants
SUnny: I won't :D
SUnny: Yunho, you need a ride? Chun can give you a ride.
SUnny: Chun give him a ride
Chunderful: You sure you wanna risk having me spend a whole ten minutes alone in a car with your best friend? What if we get too close? What if we...touch?
YumYunYum: It's really no problem, I've got my own car
Chunderful: What the... He just said he has a car!
Chunderful: OKAY! Just leave the scary face alone!
SUnny: Kay! <3
YumYunYum: Wait a minute....don't I have any say in these decisions...?
SUnny: Come QUICKLYZ! As in NOWZ! I'm gonna go steal my mom's makeup kit
***SUnny has signed out
Chunderful: You're gonna have fun, Yunho. Really. Kekeke.
Chunderful: And I'm gonna have even more fun with Junsu's bananas....
Chunderful: Fuck my fucking life
***Chunderful has signed out
YumYunYum: Wait.....
YumYunYum: Wait!
YumYunYum: But......I don't need a makeover.....
YumYunYum: .....And Yoochun doesn't know where I live....
***YumYunYum has signed out
Chapter 6--------------------------------
Oh... -.- You guys have no idea how stuck I was for a while. Stuck...at life... D8 But here it is~ Hopefully more to come....quickly? ^^ Commentz pweeze~<3 Comments make me feel guilty when I don't update for a depressing amount of time...T.T So, come on! Pressure me~
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