Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [31/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
Previous Chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 31: Love and Basketball
December 5, Friday, 9:35PM
***SUnny has signed in
SUnny: HOMG!!!! 8D
SUnny: GASSIP!!!!! 8DD
SUnny: *GOOSSIP o.o
SUnny: Dammit. **GOSSSIP D<
***Chunderful has signed in
SUnny: PENIS FUCK *****G O S S I P!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDD8<
Chunderful: What the hell?????????
SUnny: ._.
SUnny: Hi Chunnie! :D
Chunderful: No, wait, what the hell were you talking about???????
SUnny: Nothing~ :D
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: Were you talking to yourself before I logged in again?
SUnny: RAWR!!!
SUnny: OMFG it was SOOOOOOOOOOO awesome!!!!!
Chunderful: *sigh* No, it wasn't
SUnny: DD< YES it was!!!
Chunderful: I wasn't even there to see you play. Heechul just had to fuck everything up....
SUnny: Screw the game!! 8D
Chunderful: ........
Chunderful: WHAT??? Kim Junsu just said "Screw the game?????" Screw the soccer game????? Screw soccer?????
SUnny: SiHanChul are SO much better! >D
Chunderful: No way! Give me my Junsu back! BE GONE, alien!!!
SUnny: =.=
SUnny: You still saw what happened, right?
SUnny: OMG. Heechul was the one holding the camera you gave him to record my game. You must have seen so much more of the action that went down through the recording! >.<
Chunderful: Pffft. I'd rather see your action. Your SOCCER action. Not SiHanChul's stupid love triangle action....
SUnny: Ha! Nobody was watching me, anyway, so it doesn't matter xD
Chunderful: Ehh??? But you're the star player. EVERYONE comes just to see you.
SUnny: Yunjae were busy making kissy face at each other in the bleachers, mom and dad didn't even bother to show up and SiHanChul were making completely AWESOME drama, so, nope. No one saw me at this game. xDD
Chunderful: If I could've been there, I would've watched you.
SUnny: o.o Even with Heechul throwing other people's sodas everywhere at the top of the bleachers???
Chunderful: Duh. Idiot.
SUnny: Impossible! xD That fight was so amazing even I stopped playing to watch.
Chunderful: ......You DID???
SUnny: HAHA! It's kinda hard to play when all the players on the field, home and visiting teams alike, plus the ones on the benches, plus the coaches, plus all the local news cameras, plus all the fans are too busy watching a love brawl between three gay high schoolers and a turtle 8D
Chunderful: Eh. I can see that.
SUnny: Of course you can!! YOU have the video footage!! Up close and personal!!!
Chunderful: Uh-huh, the first twenty minutes are good. Heechul has a pretty steady hand and he focused on you the whole time. You even started the game all pumped up. Awesome, man.
SUnny: NOO! D8 AFTER the first twenty minutes of the game!!!!!! It's YOUR camera that Heechul had and he was holding it the whole time he and Hankyung and Siwon had it out. @.@ I was all the way on the field so I couldn't see or hear that much, but you've got a 1ST HAND ACCOUNT of what happened!!!! GOSIP!!!!!!! 8D
Chunderful: I don't see your point. Lala~
SUnny: *******Gossip! >.<
SUnny: =.=
SUnny: My point is......
SUnny: FEED MEH GOSSIP!!!!!!!! I know you watched the whole thing!
Chunderful: Maybe I did....Maybe I didin't.... But I don't know if I want to tell you......
SUnny: GAH! Do you want meh to DIE!?????! X_X
Chunderful: Well.....
SUnny: *dies* X__X
Chunderful: xD
Chunderful: You have to do something for me if you want to know
SUnny: *revives self back to life* ANYTHING!! 8D
Chunderful: Call me 'baby' <3
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: Don't wanna do it? Okay, I think I'll just delete the video. You're not even the star of it, so what's the point in keeping it?
Chunderful: *licks delete button*
SUnny: EWWW! D<
SUnny: You're such a BABY!!!!! xP
SUnny: There. I said it! >D
Chunderful: Aw, come on, that's cheating!
SUnny: Gossop~ >D
SUnny: DAMMIT! D8<
Chunderful: ]:< Fine! I'll tell you
SUnny: YESH! :'D
Chunderful: It starts out with you dashing across center field, the ball in your possession. You dart left. Then you dart right.
SUnny: And? And?? 8D
Chunderful: And then when one particularly large, yet agile opponent comes your way, you feint left and do a loopty-loop backwards trick thingy back to the right.
SUnny: I know what I did. >:| Now what did SIHANCHUL do??
Chunderful: You're hurtling toward the goal now and no one's fast enough to catch you! Your only obstacle now is the goalie. By the concentrated look on your face, I can see you're thinking about just how you're going to handle the shot as you run, run....RUN!
SUnny: Skip this part already!!! D<
Chunderful: And by the way, the evening sun gives your luscious skin a nice healthy shine and your calves are plump and nicely shaped. I bet your abs are adequately toned as well, but I'll only be able to know for sure if you let me lick them~
SUnny: GAH! RAWRRRRR!!! *jump-kicks your face*
Chunderful: Hmph. Well, that's not very friendly.
SUnny: Gah!! Get on with the SiHanChul!!!!
Chunderful: Fine!
Chunderful: It started with a comment I heard Hankyung mumble in the background of the video
SUnny: *gasp* What did he say?
Chunderful: "You were good last night, Heechul."
SUnny: Omg, you can actually understand Chinese??? I thought you were taking English. o.O"
Chunderful: What the.....?? I TOLD you! He just has a Chinese accent! He speaks fluent Korean
SUnny: Pffft. Whatever. xD
Chunderful: =_=
Chunderful: ANYWAY. The camera got bumpy for a few seconds after that, so I'm guessing Heechul got uncomfortable.
SUnny: Yes! *.*
Chunderful: Obviously, Siwon didn't miss the comment, I'm sure. He was sitting on the other side of Heechul, so I'm willing to bet Hankyung meant for him to hear it. I heard Siwon take a loud, obnoxious sip from the straw of whatever he was drinking but he didn't say anything.
Chunderful: Heechul just cleared his throat and kept filming you.
SUnny: Omo. o.o It's getting juicy.
Chunderful: So was your butt in that soccer uniform. The fabric and color did wonders for your lovely behind~<3
SUnny: Nyah!! >.<
Chunderful: xD
Chunderful: So, anyway, Hankyung made another, slightly louder comment. "I'm glad you decided to sleep over at my place, Heechul. The whole night. Til morning. It made me feel even closer to you."
SUnny: Omg. That whore! >:D
Chunderful: And then Heechul was like, "Shush..."
Chunderful: And then Siwon and his drink were like, "Slurrrp."
Chunderful: And Hankyung was like, "I'm still tingling from that long hot shower we shared this morning."
SUnny: OMG 8D
Chunderful: *sigh*
SUnny: What? o.o
Chunderful: Nothing. It's just giving you what you want is kinda tiring sometimes
SUnny: How can gopssip be tiring?? >D
Chunderful: *sigh* That's how....
Chunderful: But you're awesome, so I have to continue to endure this vacant torture of repeating idiotic gossip to my one and only bestestest yet dumb friend.
SUnny: Yay! :'D
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: So anyway, that was when Siwon took another ginormous slurp of his soda and said, "You're funny. But lying will get you smote by the hands of God."
SUnny: Smote?? o.O
Chunderful: Yeah, like smite. Like, um, struck by lightning or some shit like that
SUnny: Oh :D
SUnny: You're a lot smarter than we give you credit for <3
Chunderful: Thanks. And you're a lot stupider <3
SUnny: Awwww~
SUnny: ....
SUnny: HEY! D8<
Chunderful: So anyway, Heechul must have been losing his focus on shooting the video for MY Junsu Soccer Memoirs because the footage got really shaky and it wasn't focused on you on the field anymore.
SUnny: Ooooh, nervous, I see. >D
Chunderful: Yeah. And then Hankyung laughed kinda evilly and said, "I never lie. It wasn't a lie when I said I'd fuck your brains out against the steamy tiles of your bathroom, now was it, Chulie?"
SUnny: Hankyung's such a whore xD
Chunderful: Probably. But that's when it got really quiet. Siwon wasn't even loudly sipping his drink anymore and Heechul had the camera facing the bench in front of him, dammit. I guess he was silently freaking out or something.
SUnny: Ooooooh
Chunderful: And then...
Chunderful: Sorry. Hold on. My video player is acting up.
SUnny: Video player?
Chunderful: Yeah. You think I was telling you all this from memory? I'm playing the recording in the background on my computer.
SUnny: I thought your camera got destroyed in the SiHanChul fight. o.O"
Chunderful: ....Fuck. Don't remind me. >.> The memory chip wasn't damaged so I could still upload my stuff to my computer......fucking idiots.... <.<
SUnny: HA! x'D
Chunderful: >.>
Chunderful: So ANYWAY, my video player stopped acting like a bitch and I know what happened after Hankyung's last comment
Chunderful: In front of the camera, I can see Siwon's hand holding a cup and reaching over from one side of the camera lens to the other. And then......
SUnny: 8DD
Chunderful: He tips the cup over. Into Hankyung's lap.
Chunderful: It gets pretty loud from here...
SUnny: YES!
Chunderful: Hankyung suddenly stood up, shouting lots of angry stuff in Chinese. Heechul had to put my camera on the bench next to them. Lucky for us (Yay... =_=) the lens was facing the SiHanChul fight.
SUnny: What luck!! :'D
Chunderful: ...=_=
Chunderful: So, then Heechul stood up trying to calm Hankyung down and then Siwon turns to him and shouts, "You stupid bitch!"
SUnny: O_______O
SUnny: HOMFG, SIWON????????? SIWON said that???????
Chunderful: Want me to rewind the video to make sure, Su, darling?
SUnny: NO! Keep going! 8DDDDD *drools*
Chunderful: *sigh* Okay, there's about five minutes worth of footage of Siwon yelling some pretty scary shit at Hankyung while Heechul tries to dry off Hankyung's crotch with a napkin. Blah, blah, blah
SUnny: *GASP* That's when the game stopped and everyone including me started staring up at the bleachers! OMG, this is AWESOME!
Chunderful: I'm so thrilled that you're so entertained~
Chunderful: Even though I didn't get to see my bestestest friend play his favorite sport. Oh, woe is me~
SUnny: Shut up and tell me more! <3
Chunderful: Well do you want me to shut up or tell you more? I can't do both at the same time
SUnny: *BARK* D8<
Chunderful: ....Fine
Chunderful: So after that.......there's just more of Hankyung and Siwon fighting...
SUnny: What else????
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: Hold on. Damn, they're on a roll....
SUnny: What are they saying?????
Chunderful: I don't know, Su. They're both yelling so loud I can't tell what they're saying. Heechul's crying, though.
SUnny: Sweet! :D
Chunderful: And they're yelling......and they're yelling.......still yelling......
SUnny: Fast forward or something, doofus! DD<
Chunderful: Hmph! I don't think I should take verbal abuse like that from someone I call my BESTESTEST friend. Hmph!
Chunderful: Oh wait. Something different happened.
SUnny: OMG what????? O.O
Chunderful: Yesung.
SUnny: .....
SUnny: What about that mother fucker?
Chunderful: Damn. o.o I thought you and Yesung were cool. What'd he do to you?
SUnny: Nothing.
SUnny: He's just a mother fucker x'D
Chunderful: ....Kay. Well, from the video footage, it looks like Yesung walked over to the SiHanChul side of the bleachers and tried to intervene.
Chunderful: Then he said, "Has anyone seen my turtle?"
Chunderful: Wait....what?
SUnny: O_O
SUnny: Told you he was a mother fucker. x'D
Chunderful: WTF??
SUnny: I heard from someone that Yesung has a pet turtle. I think it's name is Dang Coma or something like that. O_O"
Chunderful: Why the hell would he bring a pet turtle to a soccer game???? And then lose it??????
SUnny: Mother fucker~<3
Chunderful: Aish...Well, anyway, the other 3 just stopped to stare at him. And then...
SUnny: AND???
SUnny: ANDDDDD?????? D8
Chunderful: Fuck! Wait for me to type! Damn......
SUnny: Type faster!! D<
Chunderful: No one has wonder fingers like you, Su
Chunderful: ...
Chunderfu: I bet you can do all kinds of wonderful things with those wonder fingers of yours~
SUnny: Save the dirty jokes for later! GOOSSIP!! *rawr*
SUnny: qt[rroegfajsdlfkk**GOSSIP
Chunderful: Fine. Suck the fun out of everything
Chunderful: Hehe. Suck~
SUnny: *chomps your neck*
Chunderful: Okay, okay!
Chunderful: And then Heechul started crying again and then SiHan started yelling at Yesung for making Heechul cry.
SUnny: Wtf?? o.O
Chunderful: Yeah, I know. I keep telling Jaejoong that Heechul is a giant whiny bitch
SUnny: Ha. Serves Yesung right. He deserves to get verbally abused by two angry love triangle victims. Hmph.
Chunderful: Su, what's up with you and Yesung? Seriously.
SUnny: Nothing. xD MOAR gossip!
SUnny: I spelled it right! :D
Chunderful: What?
SUnny: Glissip~
Chunderful: xDD
Chunderful: So anyway, then Yesung tripped and rolled down the bleachers. Hankyung and Siwon stopped yelling at him and just watched him roll with this shocked look on their faces. Ah, Heechul finally quit crying to stare, too.
SUnny: o.o" THAT'S what happened?? From what I saw from the field, it looked like one of them pushed Yesung or something.
Chunderful: Mmm, lemme rewind to make sure.
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Nope. He tripped. Over his own feet.
SUnny: Idiot xD
Chunderful: Yeah~
Chunderful: So after they watched Yesung roll to the bottom of the bleachers, Siwon turned to Heechul and said, "Is it...is it true?"
Chunderful: Awwww~ Look at them puppy dog eyes. If I were Heechul, I would've just lied. Haha~
SUnny: GASP! Do you mean.....??? o.o Heechul.....what did he say???"
Chunderful: Duh. He said yeah.
Chunderful: Actually he said, "Y-yes......Siwonnie-poo.......It's true!" Tch. So dramatic.
SUnny: Omona! <3
Chunderful: Then Hankyung smirked and said, "That's right, Siwon. Heechul and I spent a good 2 hours together in the shower after a long, steamy, messy night in my bed. And I'd say Heechulie left my house this morning with a pretty big smile on his face."
SUnny: HAHA! >D What else? What else??? Oh, this is SO much more awesome than just watching the fight from a huge distance~<3
Chunderful: I bet you'd find it more fun if you had this video clip right in front of you so you could watch it.
Chunderful: Mmmmm, no. Don't think so.
SUnny: WHAT??? *kicks your balls*
Chunderful: Hey! Be gentle with those
SUnny: Stingy! D<
Chunderful: It's just going to remind me of how the camera I bought with MY money DIED on that very sad day. *sniff*
SUnny: Your money? =.=
Chunderful: Fine. The camera I bought with MY MOM'S money.
SUnny: Loser. xP Just email it to me!
Chunderful: You're not getting this video.
SUnny: WHYYY? You don't have to watch it! I'll just keep it on my computer forever whenever I want a good dose of gossip magic~
Chunderful: Never! This video is a curse!
SUnny: GAH! Dx
Chunderful: Ahem. Anyway~
SUnny: xP
Chunderful: Siwon started looking all sad and heartbroken and then Heechul ran to his side and, like, hugged him and stuff.
SUnny: Can't you make it a bit more poetic than that? =.=
Chunderful: Nah. Don't feel like it.
SUnny: I het chu! D'<
Chunderful: *snookies* <3
SUnny: >xP
Chunderful: Then Heechul said, "No, baby! It's not like that!"
Chunderful: And then Hankyung was all like, "Ehhh?? It's not???"
Chunderful: And then Siwon looked really confused and stuff.
SUnny: *gasp* (I still don't like your delivery of this awesome gossipy story xP)
Chunderful: What am I, the storyteller in the children's section of the library? Sheesh...
SUnny: Continue! *BARK*
Chunderful: And then suddenly! A look of guilt washed over Kim Heechul's overly feminine features. And then suddenly! Hankyung murmured in a worried, low voice, his eyes brimming with hot tears, "Chulie, I thought you said last night was one of the best you've ever had."
SUnny: Oooooh! (Better, Chunnie. ;D Better~)
Chunderful: =.= Then Siwon said, "Ch-chulie? I can't believe...I...I thought you said...you'd wait for me..."
SUnny: Squee! Drama!
Chunderful: Then Heechul said, "I'm....I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, Siwon. You weren't supposed to find out..."
Chunderful: And then Siwon said, "You said you respected my decision, Chulie! That you loved me so much that you'd wait for sex until I was ready. You said you'd wait! How was I to know you'd get so impatient that you'd run to....him!"
Chunderful: And then Hankyung got all huffy and stuff and went all like, "No one wants a small dick virgin like you, man. Just get out of here!"
SUnny: Hey! :D I do know more virgins other than you and Yunho~ See? You're not alone and pathetic
Chunderful: ...Thanks for that sentiment, Su
SUnny: No problem, buddy <3
Chunderful: So then Heechul was all like, "Noo! It's not like that! Just......I was weak and Hankyung was there and...it was all physical and...."
Chunderful: And then Hankyung started breathing funny and said, "W-what? You mean last night was just....physical to you? I thought we both felt something. Something....more."
SUnny: Oooooh, so romantic/scandalous! :'D/>D
Chunderful: Uggh. Do I really have to recite all this shit to you?
SUnny: Do you love meh? ]<
Chunderful: *sigh* Yes
SUnny: Then give me teh GOSSIL!!!
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: =.= Just fuck it.
Chunderful: Hey, can I just tell my story without you interrupting?
SUnny: But...but....WHY??
Chunderful: It'll be faster and I wanna start talking to you about other more important things.
SUnny: Like?
Chunderful: Like your ass in soccer shorts and how lovely a sight it is~
SUnny: *throws candy canes at you* >8|
Chunderful: So, anyway, Heechul said, "Hannie! I do care about you! I do. I love you, too. But Siwon won't give me sex and...and I'm just a man!"
Chunderful: And then Siwon said, "Sex? Is that the only thing that will keep you by my side? Sex?? Chulie, how could you do this to me? You promised! You promised you'd wait."
Chunderful: And then Hankyung said, "Heechul, I'm the total package and we all know it. I'm good looking. I'm athletic. I'm smart.....Okay, never mind....But I'm not dumb! And I can give you sex. What are doing still fooling around with HIM? I've loved you for a long time."
Chunderful: And the Siwon said, "Hey, I'm all that stuff, plus I'm in the Math Club! And you're saying you won't choose me over HIM because he can give you immediate sex? Chulie, in all the years I've loved you, I never knew you were like this."
Chunderful: And then Hankyung was like, "Just go away and crawl into your righteous corner, Choi. Heechul loves me."
Chunderful: And then You Know Who said, "No! He loves me!"
Chunderful: And then...okay, they're screaming here. Other Guy says, "NO! Shut up! He loves me!
Chunderful: Damn! They're yelling so loud, their voices are screwing up my speaker! Dx
SUnny: Am I allowed to comment??? 8x
Chunderful: No!
SUnny: Dammit this story is SO good! *drools*
Chunderful: Hey, NO comments til I'm done!
Chunderful: Fuck, they're still yelling and me turning the volume down isn't helping. Guh. Whatever. I'll just let my ears throb til the video ends. *sigh*
SUnny: *Not commenting on what a punk ass you are* <3
Chunderful: >.>
Chunderful: And then finally, SHIT, Heechul starts screaming. Loud. >.< I can see people in the background covering their ears. Damn that lady's ear is bleeding.............
SUnny: *Not commenting on how AWESOME this fight ish!!!!!!* <3
Chunderful: >.>
Chunderful: So ANYWAY, Heechul screams, "STOP IT! JUST STOP IT! I love you both, okay!?!? For different reasons!"
Chunderful: And then SiHan just kinda look at him like they don't believe him and shit.
Chunderful: And then Heechul screams something like, "I keep hanging out with the both of you together like this because I don't know!! I don't know who I want! You think I invited you both to this basketball game just so I could watch you both suffer? I want to know who I love more, too!"
Chunderful: ...What the? This is soccer, not a basketball game =_=
SUnny: *Not commenting on genius!Heechul* x'D
Chunderful: Whatever. So then he keeps fussing like the whiny bitch he is.
Chunderful: And then he starts running around like a maniac. o_o
Chunderful: And then he starts throwing other people's soda's and snacks around....
Chunderful: And then he finally says, "You're both so wonderful and perfect and....and.......I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!"
Chunderful: ......
SUnny: *Not commenting.........OMG WHAT ELSE HAPPENED??????? 8D
Chunderful: Tch. The bitch just left! Cried his stupid eyeballs out and ran away with SiHan chasing after him......and LEFT my camera just sitting on the bleachers!!!! GAH!!!
Chunderful: Ugh. Now I can hear the stupid mother fuckers screaming off camera. Sounds like Hankyung jumped on Siwon and Heechul's crying some more and....yeah. You were there. You know the end of that.
Chunderful: Ends with security trying to break SiHan up while they try to claw each other's eyes out and Heechul cries his out.
SUnny: Wait, didn't you say Heechul was responsible for your now deceased video camera? o.o
Chunderful: Fuck yeah! He just left it sitting there for someone to knock underneath the bleachers! Lucky Yunho found it and returned it to me. Despite how DESTROYED and MURDERED it was...
SUnny: Hey, at least Yunnie gave it to you~ :3 *sigh* What wonderful gossip~ I can't wait to tell everyone all the news in DETAIL tomorrow! Wait til Kangin hears this! >:D
Chunderful: Hey, wait. Yunho was caught on film. He's off to the left side of the camera sitting further down the bleachers.
Chunderful: And that's definitely the back of Jaejoong's head beside him.
SUnny: Really? Well, he did say he was taking Jaejoong on a date to see meh game. And this time his date was AWESOME and so totally UNLAME because he got to witness such an AWESOME love fight!!!!
Chunderful: Eh. I wouldn't really say it was awesome. Overly cheesy and annoying but....
Chunderful: Eww. =.=
SUnny: What?
Chunderful: The video's still going....People are starting to leave because the game kinda died and SiHanChul got arrested already, but.....Yunho and Jaejoong are still sitting there........cuddling......=.=
Chunderful: Ew! Jaeho lovey-dovey germs! Must.....cleanse.....my eyes.....x.x
SUnny: xD They're so cute! And allllll because of us. Cuz we set them up. *high fives*
Chunderful: *ninja-duck-slides away from high five*
SUnny: Hey! D<
Chunderful: Eh? Hey, I never knew Changmin went to see your games.
SUnny: He doesn't. Nerdy runt would rather study. xP
Chunderful: But he just walked into the shot. It's definitely your little brother.
SUnny: O.O Seriously?????? He's at MY soccer game????
Chunderful: Yup yup.
SUnny: ......Wow.
Chunderful: Mmhm.
SUnny: ......Chunnie......do you think he really came to see.....
SUnny: Naw! He probably came cuz someone called and told him about teh awesome fight! >8D
SUnny: Wait, haven't you seen this video already?
Chunderful: Not all the way through. I stopped watching it the first time I got it after dumb, dumber and dumberest started to put on a show.
Chunderful: Hey, he's talking to Yunho and Jaejoong.
SUnny: Eh???? Changmin???
Chunderful: Yeah. I can't hear what they're saying. They're too far away.
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: ......
SUnny: OMG. o.o What??
Chunderful: He's got that face.....
SUnny: What? Who? When? Where? Why? Fuck? D8
Chunderful: You know that look Changmin gets when he's being....um.....what's a word you would use?
SUnny: =.= Lemme guess. A smartass?
Chunderful: Yeah! He's looking a bit smartassy right now.
SUnny: Puh. He's CHANGMIN. What else can he do other than irritate people. Mainly ME!
Chunderful: ...This is kinda weird. Yunho looks nervous.
SUnny: Yunho? Nervous??? o.o
Chunderful: And I know my Jaejoong. He looks really uncomfortable.
SUnny: FUCK, what's Changmin doing to them?? ]:<
Chunderful: I dunno, but he looks like he's enjoying himself. Doesn't look good for Jaeho, though.
SUnny: When Changmin gets home from Kibum's house tonight I'm going to scrub his eyes out with salt! *RAWR*
Chunderful: Now he looks like he's making snarky comments at Yunho. Yunho's not saying much back though. He mostly looks surprised. And...
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: Whoa
SUnny: WHAT?????
Chunderful: Changmin......he's....
SUnny: a;ldfjk;lawejiaw;fo x.x *ded from suspense*
Chunderful: ....I swear, Su....your little brother is flirting
SUnny: ....
SUnny: O______O
SUnny: CHANGMIN?????
Chunderful: Uh, yeah. o.o"
SUnny: The NERD??????
Chunderful: Looks like it....
SUnny: With YUNHO??????? o.O;;;;;;
Chunderful: No! >_<
Chunderful: Jaejoong! Changmin's flirting with Jaejoong. And right in front of Yunho. Doesn't your brother know Yunho and Jaejoong have a thing? The rest of the school knows.
SUnny: YES, he knows, that PIMPLE FACE!!!! WHY is he trying to ruin teh YUNJAE????
Chunderful: *cough* Jaeho *cough*
SUnny: I bet it's cuz of me. Cuz he knows it's something I want and I want YUNJAE to be happy together and Changmin can't stand that, so he's trying to destroy yet ANOTHER small aspect of life that makes me happy. OMG I hate him
Chunderful: Su, don't say that. You know that's not true.
SUnny: Hmph. That depends. Are you sure my little brother is flirting with Jaejoong?
Chunderful: Yep. He turned to Jaejoong with this cute little look on his face, said something and laughed all flirtishly and then sat down real close beside Jae and looped their arms together. Looks like shameless flirting to me
SUnny: Then I HATE him!
Chunderful: Su...
Chunderful: OH MY FUCK!
SUnny: Eh? o.o
Chunderful: He just kissed him!!
SUnny: Jaejoong kissed Changmin????? O____O
Chunderful: No!
SUnny: OMG Jaejoong kissed Yunho?? 8'D
Chunderful: Wtf? NO!!
SUnny: *gasp* @.@ YUNHO kissed CHANGMIN??????? *ded* x.x
Chunderful: Would you just shut the fuck up???
SUnny: ._.
Chunderful: Dammit. Changmin kissed Jaejoong. On the cheek.
SUnny: o_o
Chunderful: Wow. Jaejoong looks really shocked. Guess he didn't see it coming.
SUnny: What the???? Changmin did that right in front of Yunho??? Ha! I bet that stupid runt got beat up right on camera~ xD
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Not exactly...
SUnny: o.o Then what exactly?
Chunderful: Yunho's just....sitting there.
SUnny: Come again?
Chunderful: o.o Yunho didn't do anything. He's still not doing anything. Just staring at your brother and his fucking semi-BOYFRIEND getting all cuddly. What the hell is wrong with him??
SUnny: This is kinda serious...
Chunderful: Kinda??? How can Yunho just sit there with his mouth wide open and not DO anything?? He doesn't have to beat the kid up, but.....do SOMETHING. Damn.
SUnny: That really doesn't sound like Yunho at all...Doesn't he strike you as the jealous type?
Chunderful: Jealous type?? Who needs jealousy when I armed that guy with all the knowledge in the world about COCK FACTOR?? D< I even watched porn with the guy!! How can he turn around and be such a huge, hairy pussy???
SUnny: ...What?
Chunderful: You've known him longer than I have. Was Yunho always such a loser? Gah! If I were him, I would've given Changmin a piece of my mind. I like the kid and all but messing with my boyfriend is TOO MUCH!
SUnny: Hey
Chunderful: Man, I bet Jae is pissed right now. But knowing Jae, I bet he's too uneasy about showing Yunho his pissy side. Heh. They're both idiots. Look at Jae. He looks like he just wants to run away. And....
Chunderful: What the....? Why's the camera shaking?
SUnny: Hey, Chun.
Chunderful: .......
Chunderful: Oh fuck. O_O I think I found Yesung's turtle......
Sunny: Chun.
Chunderful: O__O" Omg........that stupid reptile......NOOOOOOO! Leave my digital baby alone!!!!!!!
SUnny: Shut up, Chun.
Chunderful: OMGNOOOOOO! That stupid turtle pushed my camera off the top of the bleachers!!! No wonder it got destroyed!!! Aggghhh!
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: *sniff* T.T The video's all fuzzy now......So THAT'S how my camera died???? What a dishonorable way to go...
SUnny: Yoochun
Chunderful: Eh?
SUnny: What did you say?
Chunderful: Aren't you paying attention??? I said Yesung's pet turtle is a camera murderer!
SUnny: No. What did you say about you and Yunho?
Chunderful: o.o You mean cock factor? Didn't I explain that to you before?
SUnny: No, not that. The other thing
Chunderful: Ah, damn, now you're gonna make me have to scroll and reread whatever the fuck it is I said. Hold on a minute~
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: Oh.
SUnny: Oh?
Chunderful: Don't laugh.
SUnny: Who's fucking laughing, Yoochun? I wanna know what the hell is going on.
Chunderful: We wanted to practice!
SUnny: ....
SUnny: ..The fuck do you mean PRACTICE??
Chunderful: Don't laugh! We're just tired of being one of the few inexperience virgins on this earth! Excuse us if we want to have a little taste of what's ahead of us so we can know what the fuck we're doing when the time comes
SUnny: .....So you think it's okay to use porn to PRACTICE. Together??
Chunderful: Su, what's your problem? It's not like we could've asked you to help us.
SUnny: Ask me?? Why the fuck would you ask me to help you PRACTICE something like that? And with you?
SUnny: What did Yunho tell you about me, Yoochun? I'm not that big a slut. I swear, Chun! I would never use you to...to practice with...
SUnny: And FUCK Yunho for doing that to you. How'd he get you to do it? Why....why didn't you tell me? Yunho and Jaejoong are finally kind of together and you go and PRACTICE on him?? And then you dare ask me to HELP?? I'm not just some dildo for you to loosen up your holes before other men get to you two. Damn, I thought you were different, Chun...
Chunderful: What are you talking about? We didn't ask you to help because you would laugh! Damn, what are you getting so worked up about?
SUnny: Laugh? Wait...what are you talking about exactly?
Chunderful: What are YOU talking about???? Me and Yunho just watched porn at my house! Is that so wrong! You and Hyukjae have SEX at your house. And everywhere else. Why are you being so sensitive about me watching simulated fucking on a computer with a friend??
SUnny: You...just watched porn. Only watched. Nothing else?
Chunderful: What else would I do??
SUnny: ...So you two didn't do anything else?
Chunderful: ...Well...there was a box of Kleenex...Two, actually.....but we didn't use it, I swear! Don't laugh, please! >.<
SUnny: So let me get this straight. You and Yunho watched porn together at your house so that you could get sex tips?
Chunderful: If you promise not to laugh, then yes, that's the story :|
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: ........
Chunderful: O_O
Chunderful: DAMMIT! You promised!
SUnny: I didn't promise anything, sucka! >8D
Chunderful: GAH! I het chu! Dx
Chunderful: Stop it! It's not that funny!
SUnny: HAA! Knowing that my two favorite virgins flinch at the thought of their own smexlessness so much that they resort to watching porn together and taking notes like hopeless nerds is just about the funniest thing I've heard all month! x'DDDD
Chunderful: GAH! We didn't take notes! That's just dumb. >.> See, this why we didn't ask you to help! You're such an ass
Chunderful: Cut it out!
SUnny: So what did you learn, Chunnie? Was it educational for you~<3
Chunderful: Well.....
Chunderful: Aish....Please stop laughing, Su. I have pride, too.
SUnny: HA! 8D Are you ready to graduate from porn school, Chunnie? Ready to go out into the real world and make something of your unused cock? Or maybe you're gonna go to porn college~ Can I join you and Yunho?
Chunderful: Stop!
SUnny: So what kind of porn did you two watch? I'm sure it was guy on guy. Any threesomes? Gangbangs? Did they use toys? Ooooh, I love anal beads~ Especially pink ones <33
Chunderful: =_= You're mocking me
SUnny: Noooooooo, of course not! >:D I'm just monitoring your progress of your smexual escapades with you, Yunho and your computer.
Chunderful: Still not funny, Su. Knock it off! I get it. I'm a loser.
SUnny: Oooh, Chunnie, you lovable loser, you~<3 The day I turn to the internet to tell me how to take a cock is the day I become a nun x'DDD
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: Oh wait, that doesn't make sense. o.o"
SUnny: Whatever. x''D But too bad I can't join you and Yunho in your porn school~ I'm afraid I'm a bit more experienced. I bet I'm good enough to be your professor at porn college!
Chunderful: Alright, that's enough. Let's drop this.
SUnny: Professor Su~ Nah. How about Professor G-Strings 'N Bitches? Yeah. Has a ring to it.
SUnny: Oh, but Chunnie, you'll have to graduate from porn school before you can come to porn college. >D You'll need to pass the entrance exam. Are you sure you're ready?
Chunderful: Su, quit it. Seriously.
SUnny: Ah! But I can't be a professor on my own. Of course Hyukjae would have to be by my side. I'll call him my teaching assistant ;D
Chunderful: Shut up.
SUnny: Heh. Once you get passed the dirty, kiddy stuff on your computer screen, let me know, Chunnie~ xD At Porn University, we only have live demonstrations up close and personal. >D And me and Hyukjae are the stars of the lecture.
Chunderful: Shut the hell up
SUnny: Be sure to bring a box of Kleenex to every lecture, Chun. You'll learn a lot watching me and Hyukjae wearing nothing but a tie, me all sprawled out on top of the desk while Hyukjae pounds me. Ha! It might be a bit too educational for you~
SUnny: O.O
Chunderful: Sometimes...
Chunderful: Sometimes I hate you
***Chunderful has signed out
SUnny: Chunnie?
SUnny: Fine then.
SUnny: Bitch.
***SUnny has signed out
Chapter 32-----------------
A/N: Um, sorry. Long chapter. x'D And it ended on a sour note, didn't it? T.T And I'm even more sorry that this update took so long. I have no excuse. *bricks self*
A/N2: The typos Junsu kept making were real mistakes that I kept making while typing this. x'DDDD In fact, almost every time I tried to spell 'gossip,' I spelled it wrong the first time. So I just left them in the fic~
A/N3: Um...anyone willing to make a banner for this fic? :'D I shall make you an affiliate of meh community
dbkrackweens !
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