Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [41/50]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
Previous Chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yay banner! 8D Thanks
jaetaime for making this lovely masterpiece ♥
Chapter 41: Musicians and Swallowing
December 16, Tuesday, 6:20AM
***Chunderful has signed in
***SUnny has signed in
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Junsu?
Chunderful: Su, I know you're still there.
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Should I log out?
Chunderful: I'll log out when you do.
Chunderful: Junsu...
SUnny: It's 6 fucking AM.
Chunderful: I know...
SUnny: So you can finally bear to talk to me now?
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: I'm sorry.
SUnny: You're sorry?
Chunderful: I logged out last night...
SUnny: I told you, I don't care anymore.
Chunderful: Don't be like that. I still care.
SUnny: Which explains why you logged out.
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: I was shocked, okay...
SUnny: Well, I've got all kinds of shocking surprises up my sleeves.
Chunderful: ...I'm really sorry, Su.
SUnny: Yeah.
Chunderful: I know I ruined yesterday but I can make it up to you. Just tell me what to do
SUnny: You don't want to talk about my birthday.
Chunderful: Huh? Why not?
SUnny: You want to know about the sex, don't you?
Chunderful: What? No...
SUnny: Come on, don't lie. I've had a lot of sex that you never knew about. Aren't you at least a little bit curious?
Chunderful: Not really...
SUnny: I bet you want a taste
Chunderful: Fuck no.
SUnny: ...
SUnny: I knew it. I knew it, I knew it, I fucking knew it, Yoochun, you fucking bastard.
Chunderful: What?!
SUnny: You think I'm disgusting now. You don't want to have anything to do with me. In fact, I bet you only wanted to chat so we could break it off officially. You can't stand me anymore.
Chunderful: Wtf??? I don't want to fuck you and now you think I hate you? That doesn't even make sense!
SUnny: You used to like sexually harassing me...
Chunderful: I was always joking!
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: Look, I care about you, Su. There are so many things I like about you. I don't need you for sex. I'm not like all those other assholes who used you.
Chunderful: In fact, why the hell didn't you tell me?? I could've protected you! Don't you trust me?
SUnny: They didn't use me. I used them.
Chunderful: What's that supposed to mean?
SUnny: You think there's any part of me that didn't want all those guys all over me?
Chunderful: Yes. That's exactly what I think. I think you're hurt and trying to fix everything by yourself but you're too stupid to figure out you can't do it alone. Let me help you, Su.
SUnny: You'll never understand...
Chunderful: What am I not understanding?
SUnny: Sex is amazing. I can scream and cry all I want and pretend the guy with his dick in my ass actually gives a shit. It's raw and primal and I don't have to think so damn much. You wouldn't know anything about it. I wouldn't want you to know about it...
Chunderful: I don't care. You can scream and cry with me without sex...
SUnny: I'm dirty, Yoochun! Aren't you paying attention or are you really that clueless? Do you know how hard it's been for me to be near you these past years? Keeping all this shit from you so you wouldn't run away from me?
Chunderful: Open your eyes, Su. I'm not running.
SUnny: Well, my secret's already out now. Please run, Yoochun. Like you did last night.
Chunderful: Shit, Junsu...I said I'm sorry...
SUnny: Don't apologize to me! I lie. I fuck. I suck cock. I can't pretend to be innocent Junsu with you anymore!
Chunderful: Then don't pretend! All I want is you, Su! And I want you to be happy.
SUnny: Too late.
Chunderful: Would you just quit whining about yourself and listen to me??
SUnny: This isn't just about me!
Chunderful: What the hell are you talking about!?
SUnny: Sin is contagious, Yoochun...
Chunderful: So you expect me to stop being friends with you because you think being self-destructive and borderline clinically depressed is like an air-borne disease???
SUnny: If you won't do what's good for you, then I'll make you run away.
Chunderful: I'm still here, Su. And I'm gonna stay here and wait for you to come to your senses.
SUnny: Hyukjae never let me fuck him but we had sex at least twice everyday. And we exchanged a lot of blow jobs.
Chunderful: ...So what? Nothing you say can make me want to leave you.
Chunderful: .....And you've told me about all your sexcapades. In detail.
SUnny: I haven't told you half of what I've done with Hyukjae on a daily basis. It's amazing how much sex you can cram into 24 hours. It's even more amazing that I was able to hide it all from you.
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: I did the same with all my past "boyfriends." At least since the start of high school. Hell, I don't even know the name of the guy who has my virginity. But in middle school, I was definitely a whore in the making.
Chunderful: So...?
SUnny: I skip the classes I don't have with you so I can play around with guys in the 1st floor bathroom. And do you know how I still keep decent grades in those classes?
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: After school, I fuck the smartest guy in those classes so I can use his notes.
Chunderful: You're lying now.
SUnny: I'm not.
Chunderful: You always go home with me right after school. You wouldn't have time to do anything like that.
SUnny: You're so stupid.
Chunderful: Something we share in common.
SUnny: I'm good at what I do, so if I'm in a hurry, I make sure the guy I'm with doesn't last very long. It's too easy.
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: And sometimes I go home with other people. You know this. Remember the last time you got pissed at me because I bailed on you after school?
Chunderful: ...You said you were hanging out with friends...
SUnny: Yep.
Chunderful: So you were actually...
SUnny: Yep. But the last time I did it wasn't because I needed notes. It was just for fun.
Chunderful: Junsu, I don't want to talk about this anymore...
SUnny: I've even got a few charming nicknames, Chunnie
Chunderful: Stop it
SUnny: Wooyoung and his friends call me "Hole in One" cuz it only takes one try to convince me to bend over and take it balls deep.
Chunderful: Please shut up.
SUnny: Daesung calls me his lab buddy cuz the only way I'm allowed to come over to his house and stay in his room with the door closed is if his mom thinks I'm just some straight nerd trying to help her son get into college. She knows he's gay and thinks he's a hypersexual disgrace. He is.
Chunderful: Junsu, shut up.
SUnny: Hyukjae's is my favorite. He just calls me bitch.
Chunderful: SHUT THE FUCK UP
SUnny: Angry, Chunnie?
Chunderful: NO.
SUnny: Really? Wanna smack me on the ass til I go numb like Hyukjae does when he's pissed during sex? He always insists he's not angry but the limp in my step the day after would beg to differ.
Chunderful: He hurt you...?
SUnny: He's about to dump me for Yesung now anyway, but after last night I think Hankyung would make the perfect next "boyfriend." I hope Heechul doesn't mind.
SUnny: Oh, I forgot, I'm dropping the act with you. Maybe I should just call him my favorite cock. What do you think?
Chunderful: Okay, stop. This all ends now.
SUnny: ...I told you I'd make you run. Handjobs and losing friends are both way too easy.
Chunderful: What?? No! Hyukjae, Hankyung, whoever wants their hands on you. I've had enough! Damn, it kills me to know that all this time I haven't been able to protect you. I'm gonna do better from now on, I promise.
SUnny: You can't clean up a mess like me so don't even try. I'm telling you to just run away
Chunderful: I'm not running! Just lean on me, Su, please. I promise you'll never have to go through this again. If you'd just trust me a little, you'd see how good a friend I am. I care about you...so much...
SUnny: Well, from what happened yesterday, all I can see is that you're a stupid, useless little boy who's too lazy to wonder why his bestestestie has never, EVER given or received anything from his "boyfriend" on Valentine's Day, or at least watch the fucking weather channel.
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: Get the message yet?
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: You know what?
SUnny: What, Chun?
Chunderful: I really don't know why you have so many friends. I must be really stupid, but I just can't figure out why anyone would want to be friends with someone as selfish, careless and childish as you.
SUnny: Hankyung seemed to like me okay last night.
Chunderful: You're too fucking self-absorbed to see how hard I really tried last night. If you cared about me half as much as I care about you, you'd quit complaining about your absolutely amazing parents and hang out with me more often instead of dropping your pants all over school to feed your attention-deprived mind.
SUnny: My amazing parents??? The same ones that forgot I existed to cater to my better-than-me little brother? You mean those amazing parents?
Chunderful: They love you! You're just too selfish to notice.
SUnny: There's nothing to notice!
Chunderful: Do you have any idea what they have to deal with? What your brother has to deal with?
SUnny: What about what I have to deal with? I take cock from strangers for fun!
Chunderful: Who's fucking fault is that?!
SUnny: Yours!
Chunderful: WHAT?!?
SUnny: Dammit, Yoochun! I can almost deal with the fact that I'm a trashy cock whore. Knowing I have some kind of skill or a purpose gets me through the day. But with you in the picture, I'm worthless and disgusting.
Chunderful: Why are you making this my fault?! When have I done so much as to have a single thought that didn't put you as top priority?
SUnny: Exactly! If you weren't such a fucking good person, I could at least feel normal!
Chunderful: I don't get it...
SUnny: I can deal with Yunho being so freaking perfect. He'll grow up to be president of the whole damn world and I'll be his ambassador fucking this country into world peace. But you, Yoochun, I met you when I was first learning how to talk. I don't have a single fucking memory that doesn't include you in it. And to watch us grow up from toddlers to now and noticing how we drifted apart scares me so much, I want to die.
Chunderful: Drifted apart??! We've grown closer! We tell each other everything! I even tell you when I change shampoo brands!
SUnny: You don't know that I had phone sex in the bathroom with a member of the soccer team when I visited your house last New Year's.
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: In elementary school, we both liked throwing grass at girls and playing tag. In middle school, you liked to imagine yourself as a rock star because then you could eat all the junk food you wanted. I kinda thought about that stuff, too but I also wondered what my mouth would taste like if I spent the whole day making out with boys behind the cafeteria. Now, you're a great musician and I'm good at swallowing.
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: You're right. You're a slut and it's all my fault.
SUnny: Basically.
Chunderful: There is nothing about you that makes any fucking sense and I'm tired of it.
SUnny: Good.
Chunderful: Just tell me this. Do you really want to stop being my friend because I hurt you this much or is there some other reason you're not telling me?
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: Be honest, dammit.
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: Answer me!
SUnny: ...
SUnny: I don't need you.
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: Then fuck you, too.
Chunderful: And fuck Hyukjae. And all the rest of your boy toys. Fuck them all you want, slut.
Chunderful: Remind again why I cared so much about you in the first place?
SUnny: You sleep through all your classes and you need to watch cheap porn with your hopeless friend to gain sex experience, so naturally, you must be stupid.
Chunderful: Oh, then would you recommend I fuck random people to get better grades?
SUnny: Hell no. No one would want your bony ass
Chunderful: At least I'm not giving my bony ass out for anyone who'd take it like a crack-starved whore.
SUnny: Ooooh, Chunnie, I like it when a guy smack talks me in bed. Tell me more~
Chunderful: You're pathetic! And disgusting and damn, you drive me out of my mind!! Shit, maybe you did change while I wasn't looking because I don't remember you being this much of a cunt!
SUnny: ...
SUnny: More, Chunnie. Tell me I'm a slut. I want it so bad.
Chunderful: You're a motherfucking slut.
SUnny: More.
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: I hate you.
***Chunderful has signed out
SUnny: ...
SUnny: I hate me, too.
***SUnny has signed out
Chapter 42------------------
I apologize with all my heart for 3 reasons:
1.) Breaking up teh Yoosu. TTT_TTT Trust me, this hurt meh a lot more than you think. *drowns in my own tears*
2.) The slow update. >.> What can I say? This chapter was hard. *continues drowning*
3.) I ran out of chocolate chips, so I can only give you guys regular cookies. D'8 They're not even sugar cookies! They're just...sweets with no personality! *drowns*
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