"How many times do I have to tell you to SAVE THE PLANET?!"
Title: AFK (Away From Keyboard)
k_chan91Disclaimer: I own no boys. Only my deranged fangirl mind.
Pairings: YunJae, KiMin (Super Junior Kibum), YooSu
Length: [3/3]
Genre: Romance, smut, comedy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex, some language, Junsu 8D
Summary: December 24th, Yunho's losing it. December 31st, Changmin's falling from a roof. June 4th, Junsu's barking at trucks.
A/N: This three part epilogue can be read independently but it may help (and be more fun :D) if you've read the fic
Hookups and Emoticons December 24 ||
December 31 ||
June 4