So, I've fretted all frakking week, no the past TWO frakking weeks over what to do w/ my hair! I was all about letting it grow I don't know. I'm going today for a hair appointment and I don't know what to do
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I should be doing my school work for my marketing class...instead I think I'm going to sit myself down w/ a big cup of coffee and watch the movie Chocolat that I rented
*cause I'm too busy to read the book I bought and got about 4 chapters into*
Happy Belated Valentines day to everyone from Rome!
Yep, I made it and I can't believe I'm here.
Will try to post more later as I am very tired and in a hurry but needless to say it is absolutly beautiful here. And if I ever thought Americans were crazy drivers...Italians definitly has us beat!!