Sometimes I hate being the only one awake in the house

Jan 05, 2010 03:32

It's three-thirty in the morning.

The cat I mentioned in the last post is actively hunting a mouse.

How am I going to sleep tonight? 

please no, life

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Comments 4

LOL RP account strwbrryquackrs January 5 2010, 08:33:46 UTC



kai_lis January 5 2010, 08:39:47 UTC
... It looks like he failed to catch it. But that mouse can't be in good shape. I really had no need to see him carrying the mouse around in his mouth like that.



looniewolf January 5 2010, 11:49:58 UTC
Benedryl. It helps knock you out. Though you'll be loopy the next day. (A nip of alcohol helps it kick in faster, but only a small amount.)


kai_lis January 5 2010, 21:14:37 UTC
I didn't even think of taking anything. It's probably better that I didn't, as I was a tad dehydrated last night anyway.


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