So, this morning I received slightly more than the usual number of insane messages via my youtube profile. This leads me to believe that once again my video of my RFID tag insertion has made it onto a Christian forum
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Because if you're not a paid-up member of the New World Order, you can't view that youtube video.
Also, you're totally not allowed to attend any of the pot-luck dinners, or get a backstage pass for Illumapalooza. I hear Fall Out Boy are playing this year. \m/
Uncanny.....I was reading those messages and thinking to myself "He's really hit the nail on the head....I almost couldn't tell which was your own writings and which were those of your new friend"
Due to too much coffee I want to jam RFID chips into the weeping stigmata of saints. I just don't exactly know why. Anyone holy out there bleeding from the wrists? Y'know, for god, rather than for My Chemical Romance?
Comments 19
Because if you're not a paid-up member of the New World Order, you can't view that youtube video.
Also, you're totally not allowed to attend any of the pot-luck dinners, or get a backstage pass for Illumapalooza. I hear Fall Out Boy are playing this year. \m/
I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to confirm or deny membership in any kind of group without prior knowledge of _your_ standing.
(Plus I've never seen you at any of the monthly dinners)
it's so similar it's spooky
I luuurve stealin!
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