Title: Fireworks...In my pants!
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: R!!!! *pats self on back*
Pairing: Kirk/Bones (academy)
Summary: Leonard has always had a hard time resisting Jim's puppy-dog eyes, even when they're trying to make him come with Jim to sit shivering in damp grass, watching things explode in the sky.
Warnings: Smut, fluffy-manly-fluff,
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Comments 42
That? Melted my heart.
The entire fic was wonderful.
*puts heart shaped cookie cutter around your melted heart-puddle so it'll be okay once it cools off and solidifies*
I adored this! So many parts were win, but the most beautiful was the thought of Bones watching the fireworks burst in colors across Jim's face. *happy sigh* Such a lovely, lovely mental image.
Thank you for this. Thank you very, very much and might I add, you should write smut more often.
PS I forgot to add that you are very good at painting a mental visual! I could almost feel the wetness of the grass seeping into my clothing, cloud almost smell the sulfur and the potato salad and all of it. Very transportive way of writing.
Oh! I'm glad to hear that it was tactile! I was concerned with this one, because I didn't think it was quite as sensual as I normally try to be...(it's so fun to describe stuff) because I'm just naturally a really 'feely' person, and I can feel my stories when I'm writing them, so I always try to make it so other people can experience things as well. ^^ thanks!
Great job. It was definitely hot.
NOW I'M BACK. (but still blushing while I type)
Loved it!
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