Title: Rounding the Bases Pairings: Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang Rating: R. Hard R. Summary: Tina keeps pushing the physical boundaries of their relationship and Mike's definitely the benefactor.
This originally was supposed to be a fluffy, smutty one-shot. It's now a really smutty one-shot. A million thanks to agoldencharm for her patience. And to Harry Shum
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Title: About the Lovely Things Characters: Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, Matt Rutherford, Artie Abrams, Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez, and others. Rating: PG Spoilers: 1.22 Summary: In one day a lot can change
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Title: What's In a Name Characters: Tina Cohen-Chang, Noah Puckerman, Sue Sylvester, Dave Karofsky, Artie Abrams, Santana Lopez, Mike Chang Rating: PG Summary: 5 Times Tina reminds someone that she has a proper name, and 1 time she learns a 'nickname' might not be so bad.
Title: Here's To The Night Pairing: Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones Rating: PG Summary: For most guys the pressure of prom is bad enough; Mike's responsible for delivering two awesome prom experiences
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As I'm sure most of you are aware, at 2.46pm local time on Friday the 11th of March, the fifth largest earthquake on record (magnitude 8.9) struck off the coast of Japan, and sparked a tsunami that wiped out a significant portion of the Japanese northeast coast
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Title: Sweet Caroline Pairing: Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang Rating: PG Summary: Mike has never been so tired in his life, nor had he thought Tina could be so gorgeous with drool in her hair.
No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you; this is a new chapter of Asian Kiss! I really do apologize for taking so long to update this story. Enjoy!
Mike/Tina Asian Camp icon because they are so damn sexy. I'm really looking forward to tonight's ep., mostly because of the zucchini and ohmygod will we find out if they're sleeping together
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I have ... three different chapters of Asian Kiss started and I'm drawing a blank on them. Have been for a couple days now. So please, please, please, please click the little comment button below and send me anything you'd like to see Mike and Tina do/discuss/see etc
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Title: Plans, Revised. Pairing: Mark Sloan/Lexie Grey, Callie Torres/Arizona Robbins, etc. Rating: PG Spoilers: Up to recent episodes. Summary: The life Lexie thought she wanted is nothing like the one she has.
For richyl88 who bid on me at the fandomaid Flood Auction. I hope you like it!