*Skitters in quietley as a ferret ninja* Shh! sorry I was gone for so long, yet life and other things got in the way *Cough College and life *Cough* But, now ill be on here more often. I hope, *shifty ferret ninja eyes* See ya! *Smoke bomb*
Ok, today was just a day of random events happening today, my friend from school Chia picked me up so we can hang out and game. After getting picked up and hearing her story about praying for gas
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>.> for those that play street fighter 3 third strike, you all know where THAT come's from... So yea i'm back sorry for my long absense to my very few friends thag give a flying damn...
To all that know me sup, for those that dont. Hello, How are you this evening or day wherever you may live. To be to the point this is just an intro post.. Im a preety random guy, but im into many things... so if you and i have a common interest we could become friends.