Title: Revelation Chapter 14
Rating: PG
Warning: Complete angst
Characters: Mikhail, Fei Long, Yoh
Spoiler: Huge spoiler for everything in NT.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to YA sensei.
Notes: Thank you
angel0399 for the great beta job and I’m sorry for having burdened you with two lengthy fics at a time.
Revelation 14 )
Comments 63
this chapter was awesome i hope u continue ^^
Oii, move over, woman. I'm next in line!! *gets shot*
I enjoyed the Mik and Yoh encounter a lot. And I have big plans for them to work side by side in the future, including some good wresting between the two *hu hu*
I cannot imagine Fei alone without Yoh and Mik.. Granted he does still have Tao.. but D: Maybe until Tao grows up, Fei could get himself a golden retriever or something o_o
Things are hot when he's with Alexei, but noooo~ Mik x Fei!!!
Nooooooo~ too angsty!
What happened to going 'home'?
You know, I have this urge to have Fei cheat on Misha with Alexei constantly. And I do mean constantly!!! I have been restraining myself over this for years!! LOL Gosh, think of all the suffering that will blow up.... *is insane*
HAHA. Yes i can totally see that in the writing! When you first made Fei cheat. Then again and again! Urgh. You're giving new ideas to my head. Threesome! I mean both of them fighting for Fei in bed *coughs*
Noooooo~ I want moreee~
You are so evil! Tsk! (But I'm sure you know we adore you and your story! =p)
Unless some of that broken trust could be fixed.
It makes me wonder when will Fei be like Mik in this aspect. This strength. The both of them really contrast each other. They are so different in so many different ways. But they really do complement each other.
Which reminds me...
...you're really going very easy on Asami. (i know he's not the main of the story but... )
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