Sorry for the really late update (at least I didn't take six months). I'm not sure about the quality of this chapter since my brain may still contain some toxin from the recent you-know-what. But if I don't try to get this out, I may just quit this fic altogether. I usually edit a lot more times than this. Sorry
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Comments 247
This time it's more on Mik being cunning and at the same time we'll see the "bear" in him hehehe.
I also can't wait to at least see what Asami's role in this (or in the future should Mik use him in his plan), plus the fact that he still needs to answer Aki, since by far I assume that he knows all about the nitty gritty things about Fei's family.
Hope to see more action. I am not wishing for the Mik x Toh since it's giving me cringes. Hopefully Mik can save Fei while doing Toh (yikes).
Throws you more plot bunnies as they will surely help you while crossing the desert :D
Sorry for the lateness but I just want to thank you for letting me know you enjoyed it. I'm done with the new chapter and we're hoping (fingers crossed) to post on Fei's Bday. I hope to see Fei fans around then to wish him a warm one!
I know the Fei-novel thing is a bit annoying, but don't let it get to you too much... just because it's "official" doesn't mean it's the "right thing" or something. And what you've done for the Mik/Fei-fandom by writing this story is worth so much, so DO keep up your amazing work pleeeease! Creating this incredible world is definitely one of the greatest contribution for the VF fandom.
I was so excited after reading this chapter and I guess we're heading for a big showdown... I will definitely stay with you until the end. Please keep writing, now we need you all the more!!!
On a serious note...Yoh! Tao!
I'm staying all the way to the end.
Here be all the virtual support you need
You are a wonderfull author!I can only find one author that matches your tallent in the fanfiction field ^^. The other one is French like me.
I like the relationship you build between asami and Mik ;)
Oh, I have some questions. If I can understand your story with my (absolutely not perfect^^) english sometimes I don't understand your author notes. That's why I am wondering if I understood the notes of this chapter: Will you post the following chapters on this site?
Or will it be only on "lj"? And what is "lj"?
I am sorry if my questions seem stupid...
I was happy to read this chapter and I hope I will be able to go on following your work ;)
Faye est super-occupée ces jours-ci, et comme je peux répondre à tes questions en Français, pourquoi te faire attendre :P ?
That's why I am wondering if I understood the notes of this chapter: Will you post the following chapters on this site?
Or will it be only on "lj"? And what is "lj"?LJ, c'est LiveJournal, qui est un ensemble de journaux individuels (comme celui-ci) et de communautés. Quand Faye dit qu'elle ne postera plus que dans son LJ, elle veut dire qu'elle postera ici mais ne fera plus de pub dans les communautés ViewFinder où elle faisait sa pub d'habitude. Donc ça ne change rien pour les gens comme toi qui venaient directement ici pour voir si un nouveau chapitre était sorti. Le problème est seulement pour les lecteurs qui ne venaient ici que quand elle annonçait chaque nouveau chapitre dans l'une des communautés ViewFinder. Ceux-là ne verront plus rien venir alors qu'elle continuera à poster des chapitres ici ( ... )
Wait, that doesn't mean you're not crazy, does it :P ?
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