Title: Retribution Epilogue
Rating: NC-17 (just to be safe but please don't get your hopes up)
Warning: angst and possible risk of cavities.
Characters: Fei Long, Mikhail.
Spoiler: None
Disclaimer: All VF characters belong to Yamane Ayano.
angel0399Previous Chapters: For new readers, 'Retribution' is the third arc of a Mik x Fei trilogy that I've
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Comments 38
It was totally worth it :) I enjoyed every minute reading you.
This couple is amazing! I don't understand why VF author doesn't writte about it. They ARE sexyness personified.
I can now realise how complex your scenario is, and I am bluffed! You master the romance and the mafia's stuff so well! You must have a crooked mind to imagine such elaborated story lines.
I would be glad to read more Fei/Mik on this website. I love what you make them do and be.
So he didn't remember... everything. But his heart doesn't forget Fei. T.T Even that much was beautiful. The idea of Mikhail sleeping on the far side of bed, far from his love terrified me, I have to say. I think I just read too much into the line :(
I hope when one day he found it in him to remember everything, he wouldn't regret what he's doing now. And that he wouldn't chase Fei away like he did last time when they're... broken up? He would never, right?
I wish there were epilogue, after epilogue.
I just love this story of yours that much. I can even feel the CI withdrawal syndrome now. :(
But thanks a million thanks for completing this, for completing Mikhail's and Fei's love, for completing our hopes. ♡ *Love*
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