Someone please tell me that they have this issue

Mar 21, 2011 17:03



Someone PLEASE tell me that they have this issue:

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artgasm, comics, marvel you so crazy, squeeage, holy shit, marvel

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Comments 13

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gammagammahey March 22 2011, 04:42:59 UTC
Yes, PLEASE hook me up. Please, please, please!


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kali921 March 22 2011, 18:04:44 UTC
I don't have an AOL e-mail account and haven't in years. You can message me on LJ or we can chat via AIM. Messaging via LJ seems easiest.


moofoot March 22 2011, 02:43:02 UTC
That is really awesome.


kali921 April 2 2011, 19:03:58 UTC
I don't know how I missed your comment before, but sorry! Yes. Yes, it is awesome. :-D


megatexas March 22 2011, 22:53:22 UTC
I will see your irrelevance and raise you one La Hire:

Who is this, you ask? Why, he is the actual historical Jack of Hearts. That's right, the Jack of Hearts on french playing decks is a picture of this guy.

Fascinating character. One of Joan of Arc's staunchest supporters (though she was really just one tiny episode in his very long career), famous for his temper. To this day his name is synonymous with anger. His motto was "Do by La Hire as he would do for you if you were La Hire and He were God."

anyway, thought it would entertain you to know that the Jack of Hearts was a real person and he was an avatar of RAGE.


kali921 March 23 2011, 00:23:45 UTC
I knew about La Hire. So cool that I named Jack of Heart's RP account after La Hire because they were so similar (Jack has a bad temper).


megatexas March 23 2011, 00:59:04 UTC
Aha! So my quest to give you totally irrelevant information was a complete success!


new lantern trailer. not jack but thought i'd share mikale April 2 2011, 18:46:52 UTC
Re: new lantern trailer. not jack but thought i'd share kali921 April 2 2011, 19:06:36 UTC
Oh god, that looks so, so pretty. I'm so glad that Tomar Re and Kilowog are featured in the film - and Sinestro! Eeeeek.

My only quibble is that GLs are serious business and I'd hate for there to be too much humor in this film. Hal cracking jokes when Hal's a pretty serious guy is more a Ryan Reynolds affectation than anything to do with the character of Hal.


Re: new lantern trailer. not jack but thought i'd share mikale April 2 2011, 20:13:06 UTC
RR cant help that, or that he is gorgeous, but it does seem from the latest trailer that the jokes are curtailed some. the first trailer made it seem comic (pun intended), but this one looks much better. also read that the sequel with sinestro as villian has a go, so yay there.


mikale May 4 2011, 18:42:28 UTC
kali921 May 4 2011, 19:35:46 UTC
WOW. Kilowog! Tomar-Re! Sinestro action! I am heartened by *this* trailer.


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