Fic master list

May 15, 2007 22:57

Shamelessly pimping my own stories.

If you prefer, they're all also available on Teaspoon for your reading pleasure. Enjoy. :)

The big series ...
I've put these in their rough order in the timeline in this continuity.  * indicates the main works in the series.

To Be Human (with commentary)
"Chips or philosophy?"
Rose learns more about the Doctor's rather existential perspective on the universe.
(One-shot, no spoilers, G)

The Little Ones
Miracles and creation aren't always on a large scale. Pure, unadulterated, joyful Doctorish showing off.
(One-shot, no spoilers, G)

The Doctor's Vanity
(Drabble, no spoilers, G)

* The Calm Before The Storm
This is the story of a journey for the Doctor and for Rose, as the Doctor comes to terms with his guilt and her mortality and lets go of guards and walls long built up. This is a story of a yearning for deeper meaning even when the mind rejects its validity. A jealousy of those with a deep faith. Fireplace gnomes and laughter and an idyll in a place of dreams and perfection. And ultimately, of the choices we make, and the price we pay for them, and in the end, their worth.
(20 chapters and an epilogue, spoilers through Fear Her, a definite R for adult content)

The Sixth Moon of Tralaxia
The Doctor takes Rose to their next spot after leaving the monastery.
(Drabble, mild spoilers for The Calm Before The Storm, G)

Those Who Dance
Rose catches the Doctor being, well, silly.
(One-shot, no spoilers, PG)

* Voyages of Discovery
Following the events of The Calm Before The Storm and then, Doomsday, the Doctor and Rose deal with their separate lives and then a greater mystery. In the end, the same question is posed and answered: "Is it worth it?"
(33 chapters and an epilogue, spoilers through Doomsday and some vague S3 allusions, another definite R for adult content)

(One-shot, no spoilers, G)

Starting From The End
Vignettes from different POVs after Voyages, including Pete Tyler, Mickey, Jackie, and some OCs.
(In progress, spoilers through Doomsday and for Voyages, PG)

Complicity (with commentary)
A standalone PWP following Voyages.
(One-shot, no spoilers, R for adult content)

Navel Gazing
Why does the Doctor have a navel, anyway?
(One-shot, no spoilers, PG for some comic naughtiness)

The Doctor and Rose spend Christmas at the monastery.
(One-shot, spoilers for Voyages, PG)

Polar Bears
The Doctor and Jacob participate in an annual activity following Proof that makes Rose a little uncomfortable.
(One-shot, spoilers for Voyages, PG)

A Game of Chance?
The Doctor brings a gift to Jacob at the monastery.
(One-shot, spoilers for Voyages, PG)

The Doctor and Rose visit New Virginia - the planet, not the state.
(One-shot, no spoilers, G)

* The Hidden Well
The Doctor and Rose land on an alien world, and a mystery involving a strange telepathic communication begins to unfold.
(Spoilers through Doomsday and vaguely for S3, PG)

Margarita Salt
Rose has her revenge for the insect larvae.
(Drabble, very mild spoilers for chapter six of  The Hidden Well, G)

* The Song of Yarru
The Doctor shows Rose a tree city, but high above, someone else is watching.
(8 chapters and an epilogue.  Spoilers through Doomsday, R for adult content)

The Journey After
Ten II and Rose after Journey's End

The Quiet Chamber (with commentary)
Rose and the Doctor begin their journey home after Dårlig Ulv Stranden.
(Spoilers for JE, PG)

Flying Kites Part I, Part II
Ten II and Rose continue to adapt to life after the beach.
(Spoilers for JE, PG)

Tenses and Pronouns Part I, Part II (with commentary for Part II)
Rose realizes what she's left behind, and what she has ahead.
(Spoilers for JE, Adult)

The Private Universe Part I, Part II, Part III
The Doctor sees more of Rose's unexpected life.
(Spoilers for JE, Adult)

Needful Things
The Doctor needs new glasses, and many other things.
(Spoilers for JE, PG)

Listen (with commentary)
Coming to terms with what they've both done to get to this point.
(Spoilers for JE, PG)

The Perfect Dress
The Doctor can't quite shift his attention away from what Rose is wearing.
(Spoilers for JE, Adult)

The Doctor asks Pete a question that's been on his mind for some time.
(Spoilers for JE, Adult)

Life on the Moon
The Doctor finds that starwatching makes him a bit maudlin.
(Spoilers for JE, PG)

And the rest ...

On the Nature of Infinity
(Mild spoilers for Planet of the Dead, PG)

Untitled on my (then) default icon
(Drabble, mild spoilers for The Idiot's Lantern, G)

Words for Everything
The first fanfiction I ever wrote.
"You have to have a word for everything. Language isn't enough. Isn't it more important to let your senses define something?"
(One-shot, spoilers through The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, G)

The same image, seen from two different pairs of eyes.
(One-shot, no spoilers, G)

It's the Thought
Rose gives the Doctor a Christmas gift that doesn't quite have the impact she expected.
(One-shot, no spoilers, G)

Paraselene (with commentary)
Rose reflects, somewhat darkly, on her relationship with the Doctor.
(One-shot, no spoilers, R for mild adult content)

The Forgetting
The Doctor's thoughts following Doomsday.
(One-shot, spoilers through Doomsday, PG just for general angst)

And, finally, a trilogy ending in smut.

Through the Ice (with commentary)
Across the Abyss
The Constant Gaze
An adventure involving the Doctor nattering on about penguins that ends up in bed.
(3 chapters, no spoilers, R for adult content)

doctor who, fiction

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