"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston ChurchillKanda awoke to stillness, the near-silent whisper of falling snow. It coated his bare shoulders and his hair, which fell loose and limp and already wet over his cheeks and back
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Comments 63
"From what I could tell, I was trapped in a place between dimensions. I don't know if that's what this is too, but I have a job to do, and I'm going to do it, not stand around here wasting time. If there's no one here who can give me answers, then I don't plan to stick around." And so saying, he pushed himself away from the wall apparently intending to leave at once.
Whatever else was true of this place, the fact that chance had thrown the two of them together alone in the middle of nowhere was by now a foregone conclusion. It seemed an impractical waste of time and energy to try and deny it, or to pretend that they weren't likely to be stuck in each others' company, at least for a while.
Anyway, Kanda figured, it could have been worse. He could have been stuck alone in a desert with the damn Beansprout. Or that idiot Lavi. At least this man, whoever he was, had seemed content to leave Kanda be when he wanted it. And at least there was a kind of respectful acknowledgment of Kanda's strength and tenacity now. He certainly wasn't going to ask the other ( ... )
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