Welp, they arbitrarily jacked up my Internet bill by $10
once again. And this, mind you, is $10 above the $5 increase that they already "lowered" it to last year.
During the first call to TWC that I made about this a few minutes ago, answered by a fellow named "Jason," the line mysteriously disconnected after a brief moment of silence when I expressed that I was not happy about this situation.
I called back and got a lady named "Winnie" or something along those lines. She told me she "tried her best" but she "couldn't" return me to the price I was paying previously, because the "promotional rate" had "expired" and it was "not possible" to reinstate it to my account. I think that is "bullshit."
"Winnie" did, however, convince me to hold off until May before doing anything about it, because they are apparently going to be doing a speed upgrade of some sort on May 25th, at which point I will supposedly be able to downgrade my Internet service to the next lower tier, which will, after May 25th, supposedly be at the speed that I am currently getting now. That is to say, the cheaper speed tier below my current one will be increased to what my current one is now.
She also told me that she would credit my account by $10 for this month and next month, such that I should be paying the same amount that I was paying before (well, what I was paying after the arbitrary increase that already went into effect last year) at least for the next two more months. If she hadn't said this, I probably would have told her to go ahead and bump me down to the lower tier shit right then.
When May rolls around, we'll see how it goes, I guess. For now, my Time Warner Cable bill is due tomorrow, but I'm not paying it today like I had planned. I'm going to wait and see if that credit that "Winnie" promised me actually goes through by tomorrow, first. Though, I'm not sure what I can do besides pay it anyway, even if it doesn't get applied. It's not like I can go without Internet altogether. Well... I could, but I don't want to. Though I suppose that if I did pay the currently jacked up price and then the credit does go through, then that will be $20 less I have to pay next month (assuming that the additional $10 credit also gets applied next month, of course).
I still idly wish I could find that guy I talked to when I originally set up this Internet plan with TWC, the guy who I explicitly asked if my bill would arbitrarily be increased after a year, the guy who blatantly lied in response and said that it would not, and kick that guy as hard as I can right in his nutsack, repeatedly.
...and the TWC robot just called back with their customer satisfaction survey while I was in the middle of typing this. In general, I gave "Winnie" fairly high marks (8s and 9s), gave TWC itself a 3 when the robot asked "How likely are you in general to recommend Time Warner Cable to others," and then left a brief comment saying that while "Winnie" did a decent job, the call I made before that which "Jason" answered was disconnected mid-call and that they might want to look into that.
Anyway, between this and Blue Cross Blue Shield arbitrarily jacking up my health insurance bill by around $70 back in January, for a total increase of $100 per month since I switched back to them in 2014 from Regence Blue Shield out in WA, I'm getting sick of all this shit. Back when I first started with Regence in 2004, I was paying something like $90 per month. By 2014, when I moved back to NC, I was paying $230 per month. When I switched to BCBSNC, the supposedly same plan (the plan which, as I found out when I needed to buy new glasses in February 2015, doesn't have vision coverage, but does apparently have pediatric vision coverage, which is utterly useless to me) was $240 per month. Then last year, it was jacked up to around $270 per month. And this year it was jacked up to around $340 per month. I can't wait to see what it'll be jacked up to next year. I'm seriously thinking of looking into alternatives to BCBSNC before that time rolls around, though.
It seems like the so-called "free market" is built on lies and deceit. I'm certainly not alone in feeling that way, though, to be sure.