I used to think that the term "SJW" was just a shitty, stupid straw man argument...

May 18, 2016 23:18

...used by incredibly shitty guys in a pathetic attempt to belittle something that they irrationally fear and don't understand. I used to say that anyone who tried to seriously and unironically use the term "social justice warrior" in their "argument" immediately and automatically lost whatever "debate" they were trying to have.

And, for the most part, I still believe that to be the case, even now.

However, after all the stupid bullshit surrounding James Rolfe and the nuBusters movie these past couple of days, I have to admit... there is at least some minuscule merit to the term, or at least, perhaps, the sentiment behind the term (when used as a pejorative, that is).

Because I honestly cannot think of a more... apropos ...term to describe all the fucking idiots out there who have been and still are dogpiling on Mr. Rolfe. (Well, I suppose "fucking idiots" is a good one, too.)

I really don't want to go down this route, because I still believe that Irredeemably Toxic Shithole is indeed an irredeemably toxic shithole, and that the men's rights "movement" and whatever else is just the silliest, dumbest dogshit to ever be shat out of a dog's asshole, and it always has been and always will be...

...but I have to admit that this is my first real experience with "the other side" of this goddamn imbecilic shit-encrusted coin. The side represented by the term "SJW." It has not been a pleasant experience, at all. There are insane, raving loonies on both sides of this foul-smelling piece of metallic legal tender. I mean, yes, I already knew that, of course, at least in the abstract, but until now, I've never directly witnessed them in action before, never been right in the thick of it when they all came out of the woodwork in force before, never been at goddamn ground zero at near the exact moment when one of these Twitter dumpster fires first got sparked before.

It really isn't a cool feeling at all.

It sucks.

(With apologies to Randall Munroe. Original, unaltered comic can be found here. The xkcd font can be found here.)

And, yes, I do feel superior to both.

Until and unless something else noteworthy happens concerning the James Rolfe/nuBusters thing (or until and unless I just arbitrarily decide to change my mind tomorrow or something), this will be my last post on the subject.

ghostbusters, movies, nubusters, fuck gamergate, personal, comics, internet, cinemassacre, rant

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