Come on Telltale...

Nov 19, 2015 01:56

I recently played through Telltale's Game of Thrones series, now that the entire thing is available. I enjoyed 99.9% of it. But that doesn't mean I didn't have some issues, even so.

(Warning: mild-to-moderate spoilers for episodes 3 and 4 of the Game of Thrones Telltale series are below.)

Steam, when I search for the word "import" on your forums (as in "import bugs"), don't give me results for "important," please. *facepalm*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

I wasn't searching for "important" I was searching for "import." This is what I mean when I say that searches often assume too goddamn much.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

It's also why I stopped using Google search in favor of DuckDuckGo, but DuckDuckGo often does the exact same fucking thing, too. *headdesk*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

Anyway, it seems like Telltale's Game of Thrones has the same sort of import issues that plagued their games even as far back as TWD S1.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

You'd think Telltale would have that kind of shit smoothed out by now, as important as it is, but apparently not?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

E.g. I slashed Britt's arm, I didn't stab him in the chest. Yet the recap and pyre scene in the next ep incorrectly showed I'd stabbed him.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

It was a very minor issue in this particular case, and didn't affect much, but it's still frustrating that this sort of thing still happens.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

Especially given that it has been at least 5 months now since ep 3 and ep 4 of Telltale's Game of Thrones were released.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

The issue is demonstrated in the @2BFOfficial playthrough of Game of Thrones. Compare: and
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

@MattMcMuscles and @WoolieWoolz also only slashed that Moe Howard-bowlcut-wearing asshole in the arm rather than murdering him in the chest.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

Not that it matters in the big scheme of things, since he still dies, and Gared still gets accused of his murder and locked away, anyway.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

But it's still really annoying that this sort of incorrect importing issue still exists in Telltale's games like this to this day.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

It was a big deal in The Walking Dead Season 1 when I played that 3 years ago, and I pitched a bitch back then, too.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 19, 2015

And that last tweet contains a link back to this LJ, which brings everything full circle.

I ranted a bit more in the comments of one of the SBFP LP videos as well, for what it's worth (but it's even more spoilery than the above tweets are, so be warned).

Oh, and if you happen to want more of my ranting about Google vs DuckDuckGo and how searches assume too much shit in general, here you go. At this point, after five months or so of mostly using DuckDuckGo for searching, my verdict is that there's not a hell of a lot of difference between the two, and that for the most part DDG is perfectly fine, but there are some rare occasions when Google still just seems to work better (but I'm still keeping DDG as my homepage for now, even so). But then, my gripe this time was with the search function in the Steam forums, rather than with either Google or DDG, so I guess that's somewhat irrelevant, probably?

game industry stuff (2015), super best friends play, games (2015), internet, telltale games, twitter, game bugs suck

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