Title: Chasing Freedom, Chapter 8, Siwon/Eunhyuk, Zhoumi/Eunhyuk
Length: 4,112 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Don't get on the wrong side of Henry. Hyukjae learns this the hard way.
Author's Note: I'm sorry this took so long, omg, I have been having a writer's block of epic proportions. It's terrible. Weep for me.
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Comments 22
Can Hyukjae honestly be any less adorkable than he is? I honestly don't think it's possible, cuz he gets more adorkable with each chapter. It really IS endearing! Perfect word Siwon! :D Henry's brilliant. I love that child. Hannie's such a sweetheart too. The fact that Shindong can defend and insult Hyukkie in one go = fantastic! And shame on Zhou Mi, how could he tell him that "dirty pigs" was "stand still"?! He's lucky nobody got offended!... but it was rather funny...scratch that, it was hilarious! Best part? Watching Siwon show little signs of jealousy at the relationship between Mi and Hyukkie.
This tug of war between the ZhouHyuk and the ShiHyuk is seriously playing with my head. I'm all excited over the Sihyuk-especially the jealousy factor of the Captain, I latched onto that like a polyp- but the way that Mi and Hyukjae interact with each other has me fawning over them too! *flail* a;faf'df;akasjf'akfjd ♥♥♥
“Your face speaks volumes. Not as loudly as the captain’s eyebrows ( ... )
Finally Siwon is being more pro-active and Hyukie is being courted from both sides!!!
Yay, this is so much fun!!!
Cant wait for the next one!!
And congrats for making such big, well written chapters!!
I'm 100% exhausted at the moment, cannot comment properly, but love~
Hyukkie getting tricked all the time.
Henry is soo naughty in this lol must be from hanging out with Zhoumi for too long X3
Siwon is jealous hee hee you can see it in his eye brows XDDDDDDDD jk
I was thinking about this fic yesterday happy that it was updated
Your fic has invaded my mind, honestly. I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean today and all I could think of was "Pfft. Chasing Freedom is better. I'm going to go read that instead." And I did. <333
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