Title: Chasing Freedom, Chapter 8, Siwon/Eunhyuk, Zhoumi/Eunhyuk
Length: 4,112 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Don't get on the wrong side of Henry. Hyukjae learns this the hard way.
Author's Note: I'm sorry this took so long, omg, I have been having a writer's block of epic proportions. It's terrible. Weep for me.
Chapter 1 |
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Comments 22
i lurv this story so mucho!!! please update soon, i don't care if u have writer's block, cause this is such a good story~!!!m0o0m
-____- Do I have to even tell you how much love this story is? The dialogue--the dialogue kills me. I ♥ it so much. :D And your Zhoumi is like WHOAA. Totally hitting on Hyukkie :D (Though it wouldn't be called "hitting on" in that universe now would it? lols)
And ohmygoodness Hyukjae. How adorable are you. Like seriously. >:/ It should be criminal. I swoon at the SiHyuk and giggle at the ZhouHyuk. You write it so so well and Captain Siwon is positively dreamy. Hyukjae seems to think so too ne~~~~?
AND HAHAA HENRY. He was my favorite part in this (besides Siwon giving Hyukkie his coat.) SO SNEAKY AND CONNIVING BUT SO INNOCENT :D Hehehehe! And silly gullible Hyukjae. Oh my goodness too much love for you. xD
okay its obvious we have two gentleman (yes even zhoumi!) vying for eunhyukkies affections. its so cute how completely different they are going about doing it. siwon's a real gentleman and zhoumi just teases the hell out of hyuk. but its obvious who hyuk really likes *giggles*
but zhoumi's ways have got siwonnie a bit jealous since hyuk tends to react more to him.
okay that was one boring comment but haha, just glad you updated. looking forward to the next chap :D
I'm so glad there's more of this. ^-^
well, your writers block certainly hasnt lowered the quality of this. XP
I can't wait until the next one~
“May I come to your cabin?” he asked, voice low and suggestive.
i love zhoumi
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