Title: Solid Ground
Author: kastari
Summary: Life is but a dream.
Characters: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note: Written for the 63rd
ar_drabbles challenge. Prompt: Dreams
Additional Note: For
redrockcan. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
His nails no longer clicked on metal flooring. )
Comments 9
I laughed aloud at my desk. Oh, Jake! :-D The Hero of the Resistance is a good boy, oh, yes, yes he is!
I really like the ambiguity here. Is Jake dreaming about a cabin he knows, a real cabin built by the Adamas in their new homeland? (I want to think so.) Or is he simply indulging in a little escapism, like everyone else on Galactica tries to do when they close their eyes at night? Hoping to wake up somewhere else, a place where there's room to run and run and run?
“He’s having a seizure, Bill.”
Yeah. I can remember our Irish setter doing that sleep-running trick. He was a good boy, too. :-)
I love puppies, yes I do. And I love the red ball.
oh, and Bill and Laura are sweet too. : )
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