Title: Tokyo Shinjuu
Genre: AU, Romance/Fluff, Drama/Angst
Chapters: 02/?
Characters: ReitaxRuki, AoixRuki (later), Uruha, Kai
Author: Moi (kasumikinss)
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Warnings: Uh, major fluffage?
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Comments: Okay, solike, I obviously got tired of writing 14 pages for each chapter, sooo... xD I think I'll stick with
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Comments 31
i love ru's stutter its just adorable~ and rei~ damn~~~ dont even get me started~
blush? haha...should i count~ hehe~~~ man, i love this fikku~ im ging to read it again~
*pokes with a big chocolate cookie*
wow...long as comment~ with all my rambling~ i shall stop...
Haha, I knew someone would end up wanting to count the words. Don't strain yourself if you do. xD;
:D COOOOKIEEE. Omg, read it again? xD Aww, I didn't even think this chapter was all that great~
haha~~~ i sooo should~ but its all good~ wiith all the things that go on, i would probably blush that amount of times~~~
hai~ read it again~ maji? seriously, it was~~~ and i cant wait for the next one...literally~
btw...i added you, hope thats okay, ne~
That's perfectly fine~! :D
I really can't wait for more. :]
And it's a good thing you can point it out cause that means I'm doin' my job right! :D
Thank youuu~ n.n
I love blushing Ruki, its so adorable. *waits patiently for next update*
And blushing Ruki is love. <33
Your icon makes me laugh. XD
I counted how many times the word 'blush' was used in this. And I came up to about 50. No, I'm kidding. >_> But there were a lot, haha. xDD
Omg! xD I was all, "FIFTY?! Are you serious?!" And then I read the kidding part and started laughing. 8D; There are a lot. But I'm hoping Ruki'll get more comfortable with Reita later on so he won't blush as freakin' much. xD
I loved this chapter, though I'm starting to wonder if it's even healthy blushing that much <3 <3 <3
XD Of course not.
But that's okay cause Ruki's innocent. C;
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