Title: A Family
Genre: AU, Angst, Fluff
Chapters: One-shot
Characters: ReitaxRuki
Author: Moi (
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of rape, M-preg
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Comments: I think this fic is still dedicated to
rei_cookie. xD; It's been so long. Enjoy anyway~ Ruki's PoV.
And he never looked at me the same again when the doctors discovered something... )
Comments 34
I'll tell you why I think it's perfect, so you can relate a bit.
Even though you jump in time, the story stays interesting. It's a short story, but even if you made it a continued one, I wouldn't have minded the timejumps. In this case, they add up to the story instead of tearing it down.
Another plus is that there seems to be thought about all the characters. I can clearly identify three characters, with three different personalities. It often happens that personalities get mixed up or too dramatic changes happen after a confession. In your case, I think Reita still stays true to his sketched personality, after telling Ruki what bothered him.
And Reiki, just too adorable for words. I love the name you gave him. Either way, you put a lot of thought in his name (or you just lacked inspiration but I don't think so!) and in his being.
So. I loved it.
And about Reiki's name, I'm not exactly sure how that came about. I heard it a few times, liked it, thought it would fit a kid, and used it. o.o And it sounds like Reita and Ruki combined, soyeah. Cx
Again, thank you~ :D
Sad and yet oh-so sweet at the end.
And Reiki...great choice for a name ^^
I tend to always make the endings somewhat sweet cause sad stuff is just a bit too sad. :)
Thanks~ :D I thought it was cute and it fits a little person, right?
I loved the baby's name, the whole story... God! <33333
I don't have words to describe how much I liked this.
Thank you :)
This was totally beautiful. I really loved it.
>.< *squeezes them and the baby* cute. <3
You're an amazing writer - and you capture their pesonalities very well. <3
Did you know that Reita used to be caled Reiki in one of his previous bands? :3
Indeed, I did know. :D It sounds too cute to be used for a badass image, though, don't you think? xD
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