Title: A Family
Genre: AU, Angst, Fluff
Chapters: One-shot
Characters: ReitaxRuki
Author: Moi (
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of rape, M-preg
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Comments: I think this fic is still dedicated to
rei_cookie. xD; It's been so long. Enjoy anyway~ Ruki's PoV.
And he never looked at me the same again when the doctors discovered something... )
Comments 34
And I love the baby's name. 'Reiki' is just perfect name for a Reituki- baby XD (yes, I understood that it's technically not Reita's, but anyway... and they should really work on another kid ^^)
Yeah, I thought it was a cute name for a kid. And I think they should work on another one, too. ;D
We'll see~
and ok the part ruki was giving birth was liek ITAAAAAAAh!
;___; poor thing
but... LOL
did the poor Reiki come out o-- you know what, i don't think I want to know.
it was touching, and slightly familiar to me.
i really liked it, eventhough the image of Ruki breastfeeding is totally dlfksijgldfjglhuehsfiusbn not cool.
Yeah, the breastfeeding bit kinda made me cringe. :) But that's life. Even though I have no idea how birth and babies and male pregnancies work. >.>;
because they don't.
(The comment has been removed)
Don't like the band, don't click on my fic. It has warnings for a reason, dumbass. Use common sense.
You're shitty. Next time, go find at least a decent excuse for wanting to start an argument over. If you have nothing better to do but waste your time and mine trying to dis my writing with grammatically incorrect english, then go burn in hell.
Thank you.
I'm glad that Rei changed his mind~
and Reiki is so cute. x3
Great job ♥
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