Title: Collide
Pairing: Remus/Sirius of Harry Potter fandom
Rating: NC-17 overall, this part is more like PG-13.
Summary (for all parts): AU (Remus never went to Hogwarts). Everytime Remus gets close to someone, they start to uncover the truth about his strange disappearances and injuries. He can't stand the look on their face when he tells them
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Comments 56
Sirius has had a rough go ever since his parents disowned him and if you hurt him I will not be as forgiving as I’ve been here.”
Hee, I must have read Sirius receiving one of these talks about ten billion times, so it was a nice change to see Remus on the receiving end!
And what better chance for a bit of romance than a wedding, yeah? *hopeful*
Romance, smut in the bathroom... either/or *grin*
heheh, so true about the 'talk'. She sounds like Dumbleydore there but I figured being less forgiving was better than saying 'if you hurt my friend I'm going to frickin' keeel you!' :D
ohhhhh my goddddd
remusssss <3 <3 <3 <3
I love your Lily so much! She's exactly how I picture she would be.
oh thanks so much! & I'm glad my Lily is your Lily too :) Somehow she strikes me as protective but comforting at the same time. I think she would have made a great mum :( (& she will in this universe, heh)
I think your icon would make a lovely Christmas gift *grin* :D
Thanks for commenting & Merry Christmas! :)
Thanks :D I'm still in the midst of planning all the wedding details, I think it's going to be lots of fun to write (& hopefully I can get to it in between visiting family!) :)
except maybe moremoremore. :)
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