As you've noticed, I've been absent from LiveJournal for some time. I don't agree with how things have been run, as far as adding banner ads and the shutting down of journals because some computer somewhere decided they had questionable content on them.
I've moved my blogging over to my own domain. You can find it at
Comments 2
Banner ads don't bother me. What bothers me are (1) pop-up window ads, and (2) any application where it forces you to see the ad before going on (such as, for example, most of the games on
It doesn't even affect me. I have a permanent account. But I paid a lot of money to have this, and a lot of people I know did also. People pay for premium accounts as well. But in taking this to the banner ad stage, it's like saying "Screw all y'all who bought accounts, we want to make some real money so we will compromise the standards that were originally outlined when you joined the community and throw up advertising everywhere."
It doesn't sit well with me. Neither does selling LJ to a company that has been shown to use "stored" (read: stolen) account passwords to go into people's accounts and change things, and release contents of private posts (the ones no one else is supposed to be able to see).
No thanks.
ANYWAY, I hope you're doing well. :)
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