One of the nicest things about my new computer, apart from its speed, is that every day when I turn it on I get a lovely new photograph. It has enabled me to travel vicariously all over the world as today it's Switzerland, yesterday Dubai and the day before that a stunning image of China. If it wasn't for the fact that I actually have to use the
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Comments 7
The first thing I remember saving up for was half a holiday!
When I was a 5th former (in the old system) there was great excitement as the first ever school trip was announced; the island's schools had got together to reserve places on a schools' cruise in the following September. I really wanted to go, but my parents couldn't really afford the cost (I think it was abut £75!), but Mum said that if I could earn half the money over the summer, they could afford the other half. I spent the summer working 6 days a week in a local grocers, and can still remember the excitement of being on board Nevassa, and the places we visited.
My picture has just changed from a Swiss lake to a German castle. The only problem with the pictures is if you click to find out more about them it opens up in Edge, which I'm not keen on.
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