Kyaaaa <333333 Currently reading volume 4 of this manga, and I'm loving it <3 Takuto is my fave character so far <3 Oh I'm still rooting for Takuto X Mitsuki pairing, so cute together... Sorry Eichi... xD Poor Takuto =( I hope he finds someone that will love him back xD... lol actually there is someone, but I'm still rooting for TXM!!!
So I went out and got myself a cheesecake... lol T_T it was yummy and while I was at there, cake, custard tart and jam donuts... LOL I might as well bought the store out >.< I really do go nuts over pastry! lol...
2 more episodes till the anime series finish! I wonder how it will end *ponders* I'm still waiting for the ep to finish dl from torrent >< lalala~ Will discuss about ep 22 later once I get around to watching it ^^