is anyone else that is graduating this year getting really worried about whats going to happen after graduation in terms of career or post-grad education choices? does anyone have a plan? Because i have realized i do not know what the crap i want to do with my life and it is stressing me the fuck out
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Comments 9
I want to be an undergrad forever pretty much.
It looks like you have planne dout some options at least. That's like 12 steps ahead of myslef.
undergrad forever is sounding pretty tempting right about now.
OH, and i saw ashley jarvis on the weekend and she said to say hi!
but the demand of social workers is incredibly high. when i was thinking of going in that direction so many people were saying that they are badly needed. when i took the class social work they talked about that. like they burn out so quickly mainly becuase there are not enough social workers to carry the workload.
You need like 1297129127 hours of volunteer service and like 129719272 references.
My friend has been trying for 3 years now and she is a volunteering machine :(
i'm going to travel as until i can't afford it,
i'll learn things that don't matter,
waste money and years,
and than go to teachers college
(most likely)
or something to that effect
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