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Comments 20

firebreathxiii December 6 2010, 14:06:01 UTC
You made a bad call and managed to redeem it.
That's great news, husky! :)

I'm proud of ya! *snugs*
Dog knows not that many people have the balls presence of mind to do what you did.


kaysho December 6 2010, 23:50:30 UTC
Well, I did what I could ... and hey, even though my effort at "penance" could be said to have failed on the surface, it gave me a good story to tell, instead of a sorry post about "I got drunk and nothing good came of it." :)


firebreathxiii December 7 2010, 01:43:08 UTC
And not only did you have a good story, but you did good!
Don't try to downplay what you did. Sure, you screwed up (You're only human furry, after all...), but you made sure to make up for it.

And this, my friend, is very noble. Much more so than a lot of people would do.

I'm still proud of you anyway. :P

PS: If you ever feel that lonely again and I'm not asleep, feel free to ask me to call if you feel like having a talkabout and don't mind me knowing your phone number. Unlimited US/Canada calling here, so I talk a lot whenever I can. :3


jurann December 6 2010, 17:12:27 UTC
Heh, yer not the only one around here without "a someone". And I've had very similar drinking problems in the past. If you ever need a pal, just gimme a ring. *hug* I had no idea there was going to be a dinner yesterday at some point, otherwise I may have tried to go back and do more suiting or escorting, but at Noon Dia was exhausted and wanted to go home and I was her ride, and by the time I got her home I was pretty tired too and decided to go home and nap. Anyway, be well and I'll bump into you soon, prolly. =)


kaysho December 6 2010, 23:52:03 UTC
Oh, trust me, by dinnertime everyone was completely exhausted ... happily so, perhaps, but still completely. :)

How was Trials, BTW? I've been meaning to go, since it's right next door to Teske's and I see it all the time.


jurann December 7 2010, 19:25:07 UTC
Trials is nice, it's a true pub. Great food, huge portions, low prices, good atmosphere, friendly if not a little rowdy, just how it should be. =D If you ever wanna go, I'd be happy to join you! The bowls of poutine/curry chips or other things are HUGE, and best split with a friend. ;)


malinandrolo December 6 2010, 18:16:55 UTC
That's a touching story, but the ending is pretty heartwarming on all accounts. Sorry you felt down, but you know, it happens. And you're taking the right steps to get yourself better.


kaysho December 7 2010, 00:03:16 UTC
You know, I was reluctant to use the phrase "alcohol problem" in my story, just because that tends to put people on the defensive and peg you to a stereotype (i.e. this Saturday if I go to Frolic and have a rum and Coke, is anyone going to be looking at me with that "are you supposed to be doing that?" look that you reserve for people you feel are failing at something, like the person who has said he's on a diet whom you then meet at the bakery?).

But then I thought, no, that is exactly how I felt at the time, call a spade a spade ... and my friends are smart enough to understand nuance, and the big difference between drinking heavily and alone to drown your sorrows, and drinking moderately with others to enjoy the company. Fingers crossed. :)

Speaking of which, if I brought over a bottle of wine, would you welcome this, or would you shoot me because your collection is already much too large and you'd be wanting to pour your own? :)


kmhirosaki December 11 2010, 02:11:44 UTC
See, this is the kind of story that I'd actually write.


steeleheart December 6 2010, 18:26:41 UTC
Sorry to hear that you missed the parade and all. I had left just before you showed up.

But, anyways, if you ever wanna talk, my ears are always open.


kaysho December 7 2010, 00:04:13 UTC
I know I missed a lot of folks ... but hey, when you're nine hours late for something, you can't really argue that people should've stuck around and waited. :)

And thanks. *hugs*


Cuddly Pup plurwolfy December 6 2010, 20:00:07 UTC
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and the feeling of "missing out" or "not being part of the fun" can make a person recoil into their own shell even more. The best thing to do is be aware of how you react to these situations and already have a back-up plan in mind. Getting rid of the booze was a great idea. *pats on back ( ... )


Re: Cuddly Pup kaysho December 7 2010, 00:08:20 UTC
Perhaps, but if I accidentally overcollected from people for dinner, it makes more sense to donate it to a cause directly related to the reason for the dinner. :)

But valuable lesson here - don't just assume that the wad of cash in your pocket must be "short" because you told people you were treating. Count it before you leave!

And no worries on being busy! It's marvelous that you've got something to keep you going during the holiday season. *hugs*


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