Hello. I've decided to get a new LJ acount because I'm sick of this "kazie_kourtz" ness. I can be found here I've added you all, I'd appreciate an add back. Thanks. ♥
Today I bought two CD's at the price of $2.99 each. I bought The Moffatts - Chapter One: A New Beginning and The Moffatts - Submo..somthing rather. Despite being scratched to the max, they work quite well. What a bargin.
Hm, so acording to sources there was an earthquake in Tie-Land. Excuse my spelling. This kind of sucks seeing as my brother is there right now with his homies. Hopefully they're alright. Blargin fargin.
Well, it's settled everyone's a whore, and I don't mean like whore whore.. I mean like a turdface.
I started writing about everything that was bothering me. Then I realized that ...actually I don't know what I realized but I don't feel like publicizing my emotions.